Any Gamers on board?

I own and XBox and Gamecube. Been playing a lot of Ninja Gaiden Black lately. Someday, I hope to be able to beat it on the hardest difficulty levels.
Steve M said:
phoenix wright: ace attourney is pretty cool for the DS. you're right about castlevania though... totally awesome.

Yeah Castle Rocks. I havn't played Ace attourney. I know this sounds kind of childish but I'm waiting for Mario Kart to come out. Another awesome game for DS is Marvel nemisis. Two kick ass games.
MarioKart Rocks.... I LOVE that game. MK64 was the best. I think that is the version that is comming out for DS.
Yeah i ownn xbox and a ps2...i like clever ganmes i'd say. kind of action/rpg Liek star wars:KOTOR and shenmue (if anyone has ever played shenmue please contact me that game is the best game ever, fullstop). My next game is going to be fahrenheit (its called indigo prophecy in the states) and its meant to be brilliant. It's like a mystery game and depdnding what desicions you make, the game will totally change acordingly..............Oh and ive met leslie bensies the brains behind Rockstar north(and every GTA) not many people know that the offices are up here in scotland, anyway he took me and my friend a tour round the offices (Was fucking awesome) and gave us free copies of san andreas for nooo reason i swear that is every 16 year olds dream!!! We got to see all exclusive shit about the warriors too (this was a few months ago so it wasnt even half finished) and he sayd anthrax were a great abnmd to deal with when it came to using madhouse for vice city!!!! *takes deep breathes* story though huh?!
I have the Xbox (best console ever), the PoS2, GameCube, N64, Dreamcast, PoSone, Super NES, NES, GameBoy Advance, and others.

I finally beat GTA: San Andreas about an hour ago. (not 100%, but beat the last mission).
I've been reading a lot more than playing games lately though.
the last action game i played on the pc would be operation wolfenstein,i am sure i was close to the end,i was at the stage where i had to get past 2 guards in towers without them sounding alarm.i could never work out how to kill them without the other tower hearing it,i coulnt find sliencer gun either and i think u needed that to get past the stage,musta tried so many times it no longer loaded to that level lol,kinda pissed about it lol
ThraxDude said:
I have the Xbox (best console ever), the PoS2, GameCube, N64, Dreamcast, PoSone, Super NES, NES, GameBoy Advance, and others.

I finally beat GTA: San Andreas about an hour ago. (not 100%, but beat the last mission).
I've been reading a lot more than playing games lately though.

I find trying to finish 100% of the GTA games pretty boring, I beat it a month ago and now I just drive around in my pimped ride, blasting bitch-ass niggaz in their hoodz.

If you recognize the guy in my signature you know what the best game EVER is.
DumbAss said:
If so, what consoles do you own, and what games are you diggin' right now?

Yer, I dabble a little. Try to finish Doom 3 at the moment and I am stuck in hell !!!! Darn hard game, even on the easiest level.....
ThraxSA said:
Yer, I dabble a little. Try to finish Doom 3 at the moment and I am stuck in hell !!!! Darn hard game, even on the easiest level.....
Yeah, but it's BITCHIN' fun though hey?!?!
DumbAss said:
Yeah, but it's BITCHIN' fun though hey?!?!

oh yer, cool game but still stuck in hell :) Those big boss dudes are not easy to knock off. I will not let this game beat me !!!
nobody here plays any madden at all. My friends play so much of that some of us lose alot of money on that game