Any guilty musical pleasures outside of Metal or HR?


Aug 13, 2009
While listening to The Cure I was curious to see what bands you dig outside of this realm of ours. I do like a lot of bands/artists that are more alternative/rock/pop like Collective Soul, Soul Asylum, REM, Robert Palmer, Bryan Adams, Richard Marx, etc. I also love Alphaville and some stuff from A-Ha and Depeche Mode (actually seeing them on second row next month after PPUSA) and I have to say that the latest Daft Punk is a great piece of jazzy/AORish/R&B amalgamation that is just amazing. I don't care for their other stuff though, too much techno-hammer to the brain.
1) rebel rock - Skynyrd, Blackfoot, Molly Hatchet, Doc Holiday, The Outlaws

2) Jazz/rock/Metal/Fusion - Morglbl, The Aristocrats, The (Dixie) Dregs

3) Stuff that's hard to put a genre tag on it - Zappa, Mike Keneally

4) Power Pop - Usually dislike most of it, but then a band like The Spelunkers came around, and changed that.....

All good stuff to keep the musical palate fresh!
Big fan of blues rock type bands like 24Pesos, Chase the Sun, and Honey Island Swamp Band. A bigger fan of an incredible band called Bonepony that specializes in something called "stomp music", I have taken to calling it "progressive" bluegrass. And also pretty much anything Chick Corea has a hand in.
i am the ultimate spaz when it comes to music (no wait...i'm just the utimate spaz. but as it pertains to THIS thread:)

PUNK, rockabilly, psychobilly, blues (good Chicago blues, pref.), pop-punk (i adore Green Day. judge all you want. i own it), classic rock, 70s/80s light rock (what? don't lie. even YOU know something from Air Supply), PUNK PUNK PUNK.
Britney Spears. Mostly because of my wife. But now I probably know more of her catalog than my wife does now. I prefer the newer, sluttier stuff, of course.

Other favorite band is Keane. Brit-Pop rock that I've made a lot of memories to, so its impossible to not like.

Also as mentioned before, showtunes. Specifically Phantom of the Opera, Sweeny Todd, Moulin Rouge. Not that big of a jump as a lot of the metal I like contains similar theatrical elements (Kamelot, Nightwish).
AOR (of course), '50s rock and rockabilly, '80s pop, pop/punk (Green Day, anything that sounds like Social Distortion), the Corrs and My Chemical Romance.

Seriously, if you even remotely like Green Day, you need to check out Screeching Weasel. Its not as polished and overproduced as Green Day, so if you don't like raw production you may not like it.

As for Social D bands, you should also check out stuff like early Stiff Little Fingers, Naked Raygun, the Working Stiffs, the Bruisers, and I am sure you are familiar with Dropkick Murphys. As a VOLBEAT fan, I think you would find these bands would tickle your fancy.
The Cure should never be considered a "guilty pleasure", personally I prefer them to most metal. The Cure is one of my favorite bands ever who put out one of my favorite albums ever.

Agreed, but this is a metal forum, where many feel they have to label non-metal likings as a guilty pleasure. I am like you though, and have no problem confessing my interest in any non-metal band I am into.

While I love the Cure, they are one of the worst live bands ever. UGH!