Any Mass Effect fans?


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
Should I play through the first one? I own it, $5 on steam \m/ But I got tired of the crappy sniper aim and the vehicle driving parts. Is it worth it to get reinstall ME1 and then go for the sequels?

I just played through both in the last month. I really enjoyed them. Yes, the vehicle driving is a pain in the ass (and they changed that for ME2), although I enjoyed it for the first four or five runs. If you really want to avoid the driving part as much as possible, the Mass Effect Wiki has maps for each planet, detailing what's where, so you can search out just the relevant plot points. I never bothered with the sniper rifle - I just gunned my way through with an assault rifle. Almost all of the best gear upgrades are in the containers scattered around each mission, so don't waste your money purchasing them until you hit something like a million credits, which unlocks the specialty stuff. ME2 streamlined the details, so it's much easier to blow through it - the only part that annoyed me are the security features on the locks on many doors and containers. In ME1, you can either keep playing that little maze or liquidate your excess gear to open it, but in ME2, there are two different type of matching games, one of which is a good bit harder than the other, and if you screw up, you often can't try again. (unless bypassing the lock is necessary to the plot, and then you can try as often as you need.)

I really enjoy the variety of games that force you to make moral decisions that have significant impact on later events, and carry over into sequels. The replay value is enormous.
I dabbled with ME1 but never finished it. I played ME2 all the way through and it seemed to flow very well, there are a few chars from the previous game but the game does a good job of explaining it. ME2 was excellent and from my experience I would just start there.

Also if you haven't played them yet the Dragon Age series is a must, in this regard the first one is vastly superior to the 2nd one which is still enjoyable none the less.

I'm a fan of Bioware but I'm not completely sold on their Star Wars mmo, I'm holding out hope for Guild Wars 2, if it is half as good as the class videos on youtube it might just be the WoW killer of legend.

Speaking of Blizzard, how about that Diablo III buisness you just got to roll your eyes. Ever since they started selling my little ponies for $25 in WoW I knew it wouldn't be long, you gave them an inch and they will take a mile. I suppose it's just a sign of the CoD times we live in.
Personally, what I've played of Mass Effect I really liked. Unfortunately, I got stuck at one point and just put it down for a while and haven't come back to it yet. Actually, I'm playing KOTOR right now and enjoying it despite its age.
I too put down Mass Effect, after doing pretty much everything there is to do in Citadel at the beginning. I've been meaning to go back to it, and I will, eventually.
Also if you haven't played them yet the Dragon Age series is a must, in this regard the first one is vastly superior to the 2nd one which is still enjoyable none the less.

Agreed - I *love* DAO Ultimate. And the games are in the same family; there's a nod to Dragon Age in ME2 with the blood dragon armor.
Loved Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. The first one the driving drove me insane the 2nd the scanning of planets drove me insane but the game play is top notch. Dragons Age I loved the first one but the 2nd one bored me to tears so traded it in after only 3 hours of game play.
Guess I'll go ahead and reinstall Mass Effect. I've tried Dragon Age but I kept getting my ass kicked by the first major boss and I didn't want to have to go to a different save or something and figure out what to do differently. I'm an FPS guy, give me a gun & i'll shoot my way through.
Guess I'll go ahead and reinstall Mass Effect. I've tried Dragon Age but I kept getting my ass kicked by the first major boss and I didn't want to have to go to a different save or something and figure out what to do differently. I'm an FPS guy, give me a gun & i'll shoot my way through.

You can always turn down the difficulty level. I've always been more interested in the story than worrying about tactics. If you're talking about the ogre at the top of the tower (earliest boss I can think of), the easiest way to take him down is by kiting - get his attention and lead him in circles while the other three attack with ranged.
You can always turn down the difficulty level. I've always been more interested in the story than worrying about tactics. If you're talking about the ogre at the top of the tower (earliest boss I can think of), the easiest way to take him down is by kiting - get his attention and lead him in circles while the other three attack with ranged.

That's pretty much how I did it. The battles in Dragon Age can be pretty brutal.

That's another game I need to come back to at some point.
I thought the first one was solid and fun, but it was no Final Fantasy 7. As usual though regarding game journalists today, anything mediocre that comes out that isn't shovelware and looks pretty gets a 9 out of 10 across the board and everyone hypes it into a killer app even though it's solid but not great game to begin with.
I know you're playing on PC, but I played ME2 on the XBox360, and they had DLC that allowed you to view a relatively brief interactive video comic that allowed you to make all the key decision points from ME1 (that affect what happens in ME2) without having to grind through the game. I elected to go this route only because I heard that ME1 was kind of a chore to get through and that ME2 had improved on the first game dramatically. Anyway, I wonder if that is available on Steam as well... might be worth a look.

Looking forward to ME3 for sure!
That's pretty much how I did it. The battles in Dragon Age can be pretty brutal.

You ain't foolin'. Branka about made me cry. The battles in Mass Effect, at the same difficulty level, are much MUCH easier; I rarely had to reload more than once.

I elected to go this route only because I heard that ME1 was kind of a chore to get through and that ME2 had improved on the first game dramatically. Anyway, I wonder if that is available on Steam as well... might be worth a look.

It is, although since I had already gone through ME1, I kept my character/decisions. You can download all the DLCs for free too, even if you buy the game on Steam.