Mass Effect


Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
16 hours in, Level 28, and I'm still not even half way through this awesome game.

It's KOTOR, with an amazingly awesome addition. First person shooter!

I think it's only fair that KOTOR was developed by the same team anyway, so why can't they make their own game?

Anyways, great voice acting, awesome facial expressions and movement. Very little clipping (Gotta accept there to be a little bit in any game) and fluid otherwise.

The fighting parts of the game are a bit clunky at first, and a little bit of a pain in the ass to get use to the "Biotics" (Basically some force powers thrown in) because they stop everything, but can really save your ass in a hard spot.

Lots and lots and lots of info. I spent about 3 hours of just pure researching the in-game encyclopedia for the hell of it, and there's still tons of info left. Quite the suprising back story to everything.

Anyways, I absolutely recommend the game to anyone who likes to immerse themselves into a giant universe. Definitely a must play.
Can you tell more details ? fps game with lvl up and all that kind of stuff ...
It's an RPG with real-time... well technically "third" person shooting. Basically an action role-playing game.
agreed with Anvil. I bought both Assassin's creed and Mass effect on their released date, and I forced myself to quickly end Assassin's Creed story because after playing 2 hours of Mass Effect, I knew that game was superior.
I have yet to play through Assassin's Creed. I got bored after doing the same thing 5 times, and Super Mario Galaxy, just... Mass Effect just has so much depth that I don't think it's ever been this hard to stray away to play other games.
gah they kinda messed up the game, I thought there was gonna be more variety, I'd still give it a 8.5 though. Let's hope they learn from their mistakes when they make Assassin's Creed 2 and 3. Let's also hope Jade Raymond is gonna keep on doing all these interviews :tickled:
i got a late birthday present giftcard to gamestop and i have some games to trade in so next on my list is gunna be bioshock and mass effect, i can only play 1 hour a day on weekdays due to school and band work but on the weekends i'm gunna play it all day. i fucking loved kotor and i hear this is almost twice as good which sounds like a fucking orgasm.
Never liked CS .... hell look at me i still play quake 3 after 8 years or so :P
I almost bough mass effect too, now i gotta go buy it.

i been playing a lot of GH trying to learn the intro.....the whole part has to be tapped and its a pain the ass...