Any more of this North American blackish & acoustic doom?


Unohduksen Lapsi
Oct 14, 2003
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Hey guys.. I've been lately listening alot of Woods of Ypres and Agalloch and I've been wondering are there any other bands alike to check out? Is there an underground genre of this stuff going on or are those bands totaly unrelated?

I know there are a promising number of quite similar bands and projects rising up in Europe (agalloch even did a spit with one of them, Nest), and a truly arresting genre revealing, but how about the other side of the water? It's hard to get information about things like these when you dont over there. Share out what you got American fellows..
Hmmm... Its not really exactly what you are looking for, but be sure to check out Wolves in the Throne Room. But for stuff a bit more simaler to Agalloch, WoY, and Nest... There is a Russain band by the name of Autumn that I highly recomend: . Of course if you enjoy this music you must check out Dead Can Dance and Godspeed you Black Emperor! But for North American blackish and acousitc doom bands? I cant really think of any more. If you take out the blackish requirement I would say a little band by the name of Russain Circles... but they arent really metal... Hmm... Another non North American band you may enjoy is Forest Stream. But... As for bands from North America that combine blackish and doom elements... I draw a blank.
Greetings Infernium! As far as I know, there is not too many of us, and this North American Black/Acoustic/Doom scene is indeed rather scattered, but here is my recommendation:

The Green Evening Requiem (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)

They are one of my favourite bands in this genre and probably my favourite band from the USA! They may be exactly what you are looking for.

Listen and enjoy! :kickass:
+ Thanks for posting!

David - \w/
Thank you David, sounds definately worth checking out!

Keep them coming people. Doesnt have to be metal necessarily, gloomish athosphere with acoustic elements and alot of "feeling" will do the trick as well. Like Death In June or Nest for example. These type of bands really do seem to be too unorganized to effectly seach for yourself.
Since we are on the subject of blackish/acoustic doom, are they're any bands that are death/acoustic doom? All I can think of is Novembers Doom. Opeth come to mind with all their acoustic passages but they aren't really doom.
tattooedsean666 said:
thanks for this suggestion, I just ordered it along with another copy of agalloch and sleepytime gorilla museum from the end records!

Ha, I just got into Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Not really what this guy is looking for though.

And not too many North American bands come to mind. Maybe check out Daylight Dies. They're not really like Woods or Agalloch but you may like them. Or maybe try How Like a Winter, even though I think they're Italian and not really "blackish or acoustic".
On the subject of Doomy metal, there's a band known as Slumber (currently changing their name) that's pretty great. Really great Doom. I believe their only album (released in '04 as I recall) is called, "Fallout."
Check them out.
(also since we're on the topic of doom) anyone here like the finnish band thergothon?

amaaaazing (IMO) funeral doom pioneers. it's the slowest metal you'll ever hear (excluding sunn) and some of the saddest/most depressing music i've ever heard! extremely atmospheric and emotional! :) some people find their music much too slow and boring, but i think it's absolutely amazing.

download their only album "stream from the heavens" if you haven't heard it. it's very very hard to find the actual album anywhere, even on the internet. if you don't want to or can't, check out their myspace page:
I've been meaning to check out some Thergothon, but there's very very few bands in that vein I like. Thorr's Hammer is definitely my favourite, and I don't mind Mournful Congregation (although they're not "crushing" in the way I like my doom to be, heh) and of course Disembowelment are fucking essential... but yeah, I might go check out this Thergothon MySpace page. :p
I got my hands on that album during my last visit to the metal shop after having had it on order for a relatively short period of time. My buddy at the store knows how to pull some strings. ;) I do in fact still have the original "Fhtagn-nagh Yog-Sothoth" demo somewhere in my collection. It will be one of the few tapes I'm going to hang on to for memory's sake.
Thergothon are without a doubt one of the founders of the funeral doom genre, alongside Funeral themselves, I might add. (Link to their MySpace.) And those guys are back!
I quite like the other three bands you mentioned btw, AshDLS. Thorr's Hammer "Dommedagsnatt" became part of my collection during that same shopping spree, not to mention the diSEMBOWELMENT re-release 2CD digi.
Music is one of those things I still like to spend money on.
Pale-Folklore said:
(also since we're on the topic of doom) anyone here like the finnish band thergothon?

amaaaazing (IMO) funeral doom pioneers. it's the slowest metal you'll ever hear (excluding sunn) and some of the saddest/most depressing music i've ever heard! extremely atmospheric and emotional! :) some people find their music much too slow and boring, but i think it's absolutely amazing.

download their only album "stream from the heavens" if you haven't heard it. it's very very hard to find the actual album anywhere, even on the internet. if you don't want to or can't, check out their myspace page:

I've been a huge fan of Thergothon for years and this is about the first time I hear someone else talk about them. Another finnish underground athmospheric black metal band I could recommend is Vordven. It's faster and even folky keyboard-based black metal. Not quite what we're looking here but I had to bring it up. It's something in par with Summoning perhaps. Really good in their genre but very unknown.

Anyway that kind of posts are great. Metal is full of awesome bands that have like three active listeners. I bet you could spent a lifetime searching for underground metal bands and you wouldnt find them all. It's awesome.
Hell, I may be WAY off... but just in case (it never hurts to help):

I know of a few instrumental bands that are usually considered doom/atmosphere/ambient. Some have the doom feeling you want, some have the acoustic feeling, some have both. These bands are:

Raison Dêtre
Stratvm Terror

Those two bands can be heard on this site:

And not to forget Sun O))) and Earth

Again, I may be way off. But in either case, I hope you enjoy them.