
metal head till death
I AM WOUNDERING if i am the only metal head who is sick of the bull shit they play every day same old song over and over on the stations
its all about the money witch sucks
i reamber when you ould hear slayer , iron maiden ,wasp,preist , and new metal ot all this rap rock shit they play like its the big thing but I know us real metal heads hate all that bull shit if any one agree with me e mail me





:muahaha: :rock:
metalmike_1 said:
i reamber when you ould hear slayer , iron maiden ,wasp,preist , and new metal

I still hear those bands on the radio every day.......satellite radio! :rock: :rock:
That's one of the things I try to do a little differently - I landed a show on a community radio station a few weeks ago (and also became the station's music director - ah, now if it only was a paying gig!). I purposely try to stay away from songs you can hear on the cookie-cutter stations and dig a little deeper. This past week, I played AC/DC's "Playing With Girls" and Judas Priest's "Don't Go".

The station is one step away from streaming audio, but I try not to use this board to advertise anything I'm involved in, so if you're interested in hearing the show, Mike, PM me and I'll send you the station's Web address and when my shows are.
yea i AGREE with you i do a video show myself so i play all videos that are true metal I have most metal labels sending me videos so that helps out and you know the labels of true etal feel the same way we do so rock on with your show e mail me at i do want your info on your show i am haveing trouble pm you at the moment :rock:
You American guys should thank on your knees everyday just because you are not exposed to European radio stations. I mean it.
johnnieCzech said:
You American guys should thank on your knees everyday just because you are not exposed to European radio stations. I mean it.
This is true.

Radeo? Rodeo? Yee-haw!
Hope you didn't take that as a dig against you, Skull... didn't mean it to be.

Okay, then... whenever the station's streaming audio goes live, you'll find it at I'm on Tuesday nights 9-midnight Central time, and Saturdays noon-2 Central. Warning: I play everything.
DiscipleOfThePit said:

Exactly what I think. I've got a cd player in my car, so I never listen to the radio. I was a radio broadcast student, and I worked at a station for a bit, so I know how the business works. On the net there's a site that monitors what's being played etc., at every commercial radio station in Canada and the States. You need to have a password to access it. If I wanted to see what some station played in Idaho, at 3 in the morning I could. One of the reasons the site is there, is so that the powers that be can monitor a station if so desired. So noone can get away with playing something they shouldn't. If someone strays from the playlist, the computer won't compute the track basically. It's BULLSHIT if ya ask me, and radio's been dead A LONG fucking time!
strik9 said:
Exactly what I think. I've got a cd player in my car, so I never listen to the radio. I was a radio broadcast student, and I worked at a station for a bit, so I know how the business works. On the net there's a site that monitors what's being played etc., at every radio station in Canada and the States. You need to have a password to access it. If I wanted to see what some station played in Idaho, at 3 in the morning I could. One of the reasons the site is there, is so that the powers that be can monitor a station if so desired. So noone can get away with playing something they shouldn't. If someone strays from the playlist, the computer won't compute the track basically. It's BULLSHIT if ya ask me, and radio's been dead A LONG fucking time!

Amen to that.

The entire Payolla thing seems to have gone out the window; Radio Stations are still getting paid and favors to play reocrds. We're still stuck with horrible songs on the radio that are put there thanks to focus groups. I know George Carlin said it best; "They do phone survey's playing 30-second-clips of a song, the 'Hook'. Whatever 'Hook' is the most popular is the one the labels push. That means the stuff your hearing has been watered-downed and stripped down and sold as a commodity. And the worst thing is that people buy this shit!"

At any rate, I've considered trying to work for a "tradional" radio station in the city. I rather start my own, but I have no idea how you do it. Anyone here know? I know it can be done, having an independet radio station.

dailyvault said:
Hope you didn't take that as a dig against you, Skull... didn't mean it to be.

Okay, then... whenever the station's streaming audio goes live, you'll find it at I'm on Tuesday nights 9-midnight Central time, and Saturdays noon-2 Central. Warning: I play everything.

Heh, no problem. I was just joking around. :D

I'll listen to your show if I get the chance.
LuvataciousSkull said:
Amen to that.

The entire Payolla thing seems to have gone out the window; Radio Stations are still getting paid and favors to play reocrds. We're still stuck with horrible songs on the radio that are put there thanks to focus groups. I know George Carlin said it best; "They do phone survey's playing 30-second-clips of a song, the 'Hook'. Whatever 'Hook' is the most popular is the one the labels push. That means the stuff your hearing has been watered-downed and stripped down and sold as a commodity. And the worst thing is that people buy this shit!"

At any rate, I've considered trying to work for a "tradional" radio station in the city. I rather start my own, but I have no idea how you do it. Anyone here know? I know it can be done, having an independet radio station.
Nicely said and very true! Seems some people will buy anything as long as it's easily available. You need to apply for a license, call letters, etc. I believe. Another thing that pisses me off about radio is that Rogers owns most of the radio stations in my area, and they don't hire smokers! Complete penny pinching, prejudicial (is that even a word? lol) bullshit!
strik9 said:
Nicely said and very true! Seems some people will buy anything as long as it's easily available. You need to apply for a license, call letters, etc. I believe. Another thing that pisses me off about radio is that Rogers owns most of the radio stations in my area, and they don't hire smokers! Complete penny pinching, prejudicial (is that even a word? lol) bullshit!

Heh, thanks! And, once again, I learned something important from George Carlin. :D

"Call letters"? That's a new one to me. I knew about a license and all, but "Call letters"?

At any rate, I know what you mean about one company owning pratically all of the radio stations. Here in Philadelphia, we only had one alternative-rock station called Y100. Last June they changed format to nothing but R&B & Hip-Hop. One comapny called Clear Channel owns pratically all the stations here, too.
LuvataciousSkull said:
Heh, thanks! And, once again, I learned something important from George Carlin. :D

"Call letters"? That's a new one to me. I knew about a license and all, but "Call letters"?

At any rate, I know what you mean about one company owning pratically all of the radio stations. Here in Philadelphia, we only had one alternative-rock station called Y100. Last June they changed format to nothing but R&B & Hip-Hop. One comapny called Clear Channel owns pratically all the stations here, too.
Carlin rules! No problem dude! I know about those Clear Channel bastards! Can't STAND 'EM! Call letters are like Q107, HITS92, etc. The stations on air name basically. Where you are on the dial as well.
LuvataciousSkull said:
Heh, me? I need the ratings and the listeners! I tend to love playing Anthrax myself. The link is in my signature.

So you have a video show? Sweet! Is it local or national?
yea its locial on a cabel channel so i can play what ever I want to witch helps kids e mail me all the time saying they love the show becouse they never get to see the bands i play on the show like cannibal , arch enemy,
old slayer clips for my collection of bootlegs i shoot from around the states if any one is intrested in tradeing bootlegs e mail me let s talk

kepp the devil horns held high




D:rock: :muahaha: