Any predictions for surprise celebrities...

Oct 19, 2006
in attendance at the show (other than the performing bands & C-LO)? It would be cool if Lance King is there. It seems I usually meet someone famous.
Yeah, I don't mean to sound cynical about it.
Though it reminds me of that one year of Prog Power where the attraction was John Schafer being in attendance.
If he isn't on stage, I am not interested.

I guess I have never been "star struck" when it comes to meeting people from bands.
Yeah, There have been a couple band members I have met that I was excited about (IE - Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Bruce Kulick, King Diamond, Danzig, etc). Though in all honesty, meeting a member of a band you like really isn't all that exciting.

I guess for a lesser known musician, like Lance King, he will probably speak on a more casual level and for more time than someone of "rock star" status, I suppose.
Some people get ridiculous thinking that they are too huge for everyone else around them. I met this one band once, and 3 of the 4 members basically demanded to be treated like gods, and thought that their shit doesn't stink. Me saying "Hey guys" and being normal offended them. I guess I was supposed to kiss their feet.

retarded...I hate egos. It's nice to know when someone likes your music...but it should stay at that. Band members should be thanking all the fans for listening their music. Fans do have a choice...I think that's what some bands may forget sometimes.
Neil Kernon would be cool to meet if he;s not in the recording studio with Nile...The Man has done Rage for Order and from the chitown region..I know he digs MAtryr and is quite a techhead :worship:

I believe Neil said he would be out of town during CPF.

I agree...itis cool that he is coming..but who is really getting thrilled to see just some dude there.
He just sang for a few bands. It is not like he is Carrot Top level of celebrity or anything.

what??? CARROT TOP IS COMING????? Kickass!!! :lol: :lol:
if Chuck Norris was in attendance, he'd make Chris and Rob change the name from Chicago Powerfest to Chicago ChuckNorrisfest.
I dont like meeting bands too much just because if they are definetly ruins my take on the band itself. I used to know and not just meet and say "Hi, great show", and knowing what they were like and stuff...definetly ruined my taste for their music. When I see someone being a dick or just not cool with puts a bad taste in my mouth. I can see not wanting to be bugged right after you play and stuff, but after when the show is done...that is a different story. Sure you have those annoying fans who ask the saem dumb questions...also...lots of guys on bands dont want to talk about "the band". I have had many great conversations with people in bands about movies and comics and stuff. You could tell they were happy that they were able to have a normal non-fanboy talk.

Nothing is more embarassing than a guy who is chasing down bands and being a fanboy. it is good for a laugh...I have plenty of fanboy stories. One was borderline sick. (these are about other people)
Good points Bob.
I would be afraid to meet someone like Lemmy or Bruce Dickinson, or someone who I have admired for MANY years. If I met them and they were a dick to me, it would ruin my perception of them and the band.

In all honesty, I was VERY nervous when I met Glenn Danzig. I am a longtime Misfits fan (as well as his other work). He has been known to be very rude to fans who ask for autographs or talk to him about the Misfits. At the autograph session, this guy came out and said, "Glenn WILL sign Misfits items if you have them" When it was my turn, I gave him my copy of his first solo single to sign. He just signed it quickly and shook my hand and that was it.

Then you get band guys who are the total opposite who want to ham it up with fans. This was the experience when I met Mikkey Dee when he was in King Diamond. He wanted to ham it up with everyone and take pictures and what not.

Some other guys who I have met who were very cool were Chuck Billy and Ice T (Though I guess when you are at Milwaukee Metalfest, talking to fans is more exciting than most other things going on at the time!)
The point is bands, no matter how big they are, should be willing to make time for every single fan and do everything they can to make that fan happy. That's just my opinion.