Any singers want to help me out with a Nevermore cover?

Nice works guys, you're all doing a really swell job there.

And, Guru, you bastard! I didnt know you could sing... porn *check* IT *check* guitar *check* vocals *check* got anything else in the closet dude? :lol:
I think Jason and Felix should split duties for this. Felix Should do the first verse, and first chorus, while Jason does the backups, and then they should switch off.

Sweet playing, and very nice mix as well.

When you reamp this, it's going to be fantastic. I'm glad to hear my cabinet IR was involved in getting it this far :)
I think Jason and Felix should split duties for this. Felix Should do the first verse, and first chorus, while Jason does the backups, and then they should switch off.

Sweet playing, and very nice mix as well.

When you reamp this, it's going to be fantastic. I'm glad to hear my cabinet IR was involved in getting it this far :)

I´m sure a singer duet could work well. My suggestion: One singer for the main melody and the other singer for voice FX, harmonics, growls, maybe some own creative ideas. But it´s up to Jaymz, I gladly help out for whatever :)
Yeah I agree, I do like the layering that Jason did along with Felix so that could work quite well! Jason could do the growls aswell :P

Can't wait to get this one finished off properly :D
Yeah I agree, I do like the layering that Jason did along with Felix so that could work quite well! Jason could do the growls aswell :P

Can't wait to get this one finished off properly :D

I hope Jason is cool with the idea to share it this way. I´m aboard of course and will give my best, singin´those goddamn melodys! :kickass:

@Forceps, thanks!! :)
it would be an honor for me to work with you guys on this :)

Felix as soon as you get your tracks done let us know! It will be easier for me to embelish and fit my stuff around the main vocal so it doesnt sound pieced together.

Awesome! :kickass: I´ll start recording my vocal track at sunday. Should be finished within the next week. I´ll keep you updated. It´s an honor for me, as well, mates. I wish you all the best for 2011!