Any singers want to help me out with a Nevermore cover?

Awesome! :kickass: I´ll start recording my vocal track at sunday. Should be finished within the next week. I´ll keep you updated. It´s an honor for me, as well, mates. I wish you all the best for 2011!

Cool man, make sure you do it to the Bb track, thats on the OP if you need to re-download it :) Good luck! :hotjump:
wow jason that sounded awesome too, didnt know you could sing!
seems to be turning out great in the end with the comp
also make sure to sing along to felix' version as you said, cause comping vocals that were sung seperatily is a bit of a pita hahaha
Okay mates, I finished recording the entire clean vocal track for the song.

Here ya go:

Looking forward to hear the finished version with Jason´s growls, whisperings and fx :) Tell me, what you think so far!

Ok Felix I have one negative comment ... "Please salvage my soul" ... you sang it "sal-Wage"

sounds like sandwich :lol:

I know the "V" is difficult for germans but you need to just do that one phrase over until it sounds right.

Other than that, fucking KILLER job man! :rock:
Ok Felix I have one negative comment ... "Please salvage my soul" ... you sang it "sal-Wage"

sounds like sandwich :lol:

I know the "V" is difficult for germans but you need to just do that one phrase over until it sounds right.

Other than that, fucking KILLER job man! :rock:

Okay thank you, Carlos :kickass: I wanna do it right, of course. Damn!! :D Funny thing is, I took care of this part, exactly why it sounds similar to sandwich :) Nevertheless...I can do this phrase again, no problem.
This is SO gonna rule.
Thanks dudes, you make Nevermore really enjoyable for me, I cant listen to every songs because I'm still not used to Warrel :D

edit: haha just heared the salwage, carlos is right on that one ;)
Say it like Sal-Fage and it should be perfect.

Let me tell you singing this song for what is it 15 years now like Warrel and trying to match new vocal lines is a bitch. But it is turning out fucking badass ;)

Yep already started on my parts. I may add a few extra harmonies on a separate track just to give it some epicness. Dunno yet ..... but I am liking what I am hearing so far!!
Yeah the performance is great Felix. The only problems I found had to do with accent/pronunciation. Besides "salvage", which really sticks out, I've noticed a few more.
The word "to" in "How did it come to this" sounds wrong to me, I'm not sure how to explain it, I think it should sound more like "two".
The word "bleeding" in "we're bleeding for an unseen god" sounds like "leeding"...can't hear the "b".
I've noticed that you're adding an "s" to some "turn my blood to sands" and "grow colds"
"Vilify" and "Vilipend" sound like "wilify" and "wilipend"

I realize these may be minor details to most but for me they keep me from enjoying the song as much as I should since your performance otherwise is really good.
Yeah the performance is great Felix. The only problems I found had to do with accent/pronunciation. Besides "salvage", which really sticks out, I've noticed a few more.
The word "to" in "How did it come to this" sounds wrong to me, I'm not sure how to explain it, I think it should sound more like "two".
The word "bleeding" in "we're bleeding for an unseen god" sounds like "leeding"...can't hear the "b".
I've noticed that you're adding an "s" to some "turn my blood to sands" and "grow colds"
"Vilify" and "Vilipend" sound like "wilify" and "wilipend"

I realize these may be minor details to most but for me they keep me from enjoying the song as much as I should since your performance otherwise is really good.

its those fucking Germans and their V's!!! If they just would take V's as F's the world would be a happier place ;)
Yeah the performance is great Felix. The only problems I found had to do with accent/pronunciation. Besides "salvage", which really sticks out, I've noticed a few more.
The word "to" in "How did it come to this" sounds wrong to me, I'm not sure how to explain it, I think it should sound more like "two".
The word "bleeding" in "we're bleeding for an unseen god" sounds like "leeding"...can't hear the "b".
I've noticed that you're adding an "s" to some "turn my blood to sands" and "grow colds"
"Vilify" and "Vilipend" sound like "wilify" and "wilipend"

I realize these may be minor details to most but for me they keep me from enjoying the song as much as I should since your performance otherwise is really good.

Wooow guys you don´t make my life easy. If I´d take all this small details into account, I couldn´t concentrate to bring in emotions and feeling how it is, I fear. English isn´t my native language. But I should learn English a lot more, it seems :) Thanks for the critics though, I will try to improve my skills more. I know, I´m far away being the perfect singer.