Any smokers?


Sep 2, 2010
Anyone out there suck the nic sticks like me lol? Ive tried to quit like 50 times and have failed pretty badly. Come to think of it I might have one now actually

- King Drunkard claims that if you can't quit you're being a "weak-minded" pussy
- Everybody else knows more about physical addictions so they start a discussion with Richard
- Dakryn claims that government has a conspiracy going on with the tobacco producers and that they profit badly on people's ignorance
- One person actually takes him seriously / +1 page
- Greys and some random virgin claims that girls smoking is such a "huge boner killer"
- Onder compares lungs to vagina
- Krampus posts advice on how to quit smoking and adds two stories about her friends having different experiences with quitting and with having a smoker/non-smoker relationship
- One person replies
- Krampus again
Yeah I do.

Mainly roll ups, straights taste nasty and are too short a smoke.

And for the whole "lol enjoy ur lung cancer" thing, I shall. I figure I'm gonna die young from something, be it heart disease from all the crap food I eat, or liver disease from all the booze I drink, or something related to my obesity, might as well throw smoking into the mix seeing as I enjoy it.
I never said females smoking is a turn off, Onder, whatever the fuck you're talking about.
Never have I put a cig to my mouth lit, and I dont intend to. They seem such a giant waste of money for no real pay off...
I smoke mostly when I'm drinking or when I get real stressed from work, but I'm able to easily go without it.

- King Drunkard claims that if you can't quit you're being a "weak-minded" pussy
- Everybody else knows more about physical addictions so they start a discussion with Richard
- Dakryn claims that government has a conspiracy going on with the tobacco producers and that they profit badly on people's ignorance
- One person actually takes him seriously / +1 page
- Greys and some random virgin claims that girls smoking is such a "huge boner killer"
- Onder compares lungs to vagina
- Krampus posts advice on how to quit smoking and adds two stories about her friends having different experiences with quitting and with having a smoker/non-smoker relationship
- One person replies
- Krampus again


But seriously, I smoke occasionally. I quit buying the infernal things about a year ago, but I know enough people that smoke and are willing to bum that I usually have one everyday. I really should just stop all together.
I've mostly smoked menthol, but I've liked on occasion a clove cigarette from time to time as well (those things hit me stronger than most anything else ha still get me a bit dizzy.)
I think I'm the one who always said chicks smoking is a huge boner killer. fwiw

P.S. You're all weak-minded pussies.

So I, who can toss out his cigarettes and never buy another pack again, am weak-minded for doing something occasionally when I'm drinking or to give me a momentary cathartic drag?


Interesting comment coming from a drunk.