Any thoughts on touring in the U.S.A.?


New Metal Member
I just got into Skyfire a few months ago and I'm totally stoked on their music, it's everything I've dreamed metal to be, unfortunately I don't live in Europe or I would be dancing and moshing at as many of their shows as possible. Do you guys (or does anyone know if they) have any plans, even the slightest thought, of ever coming over to the united states? Maybe one day I'll be able to go to Europe, but not any time soon. :(

(i hope this question hasn't already been asked)
lol yeah man...the main portion of this board are people from the US hehe.

With popular bands like Blind Guardian BARELY coming within the last year and bands like CoB who havent even made it over here...seems unlikely for Skyfire. But fuck man we're all pulling for a tour here !!:headbang:

Hey by the way dude, welcome to the board, always cool to get new faces around here.
VitaminX said:
Word, so many good bands... so far away, hahaha. not to say that the usa doesn't have a ton of good bands. just no skyfire, no nightwish, no children of bodom haha.

thanks a lot man. good to see that there are other american kids into true metal

hey man, maybe our band can get around a little bit, we are a lot like what you seem to be looking for. our new song is very skyfire influenced.. you know, fast rhythm, nice guitar lead,, kick ass strings over the top yuuummmmyyy.
Yeah I agree, Skyfire needs to tour the US. I'm sure if we spread the good word of their music well enough, a tour will be in order! :headbang:
VitaminX said:
what band dude? i always set aside at least 30 minutes per day to check out new music, spit out a URL! :)

we are going to (hopefully) record this summer.. stick around here and maybe i'll post some clips. i'm thinking around september time, unless i can dig up a live recording.. but those just don't sound as good heh.
I think not! I'm with froosch. All for east coast tour. :p Looks like we be even.