Any Ultimate Fighting fans here?


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
If so, did you catch the season finale matches? Holy COW what a great match one of them was. I won't say which in case someone is going to watch the re-run tonight on Spike TV. Don't miss it!
Yeah, I used to watch it because my local video store in Boston used to carry them. It was the first 8 tournaments I think...then yes, the rules became wimpy. I'd still watch them if I could rent them - how else do people watch them? Pay per view costs quite a bit.

People keep telling me that K1 is better. Or something like that.
I watched one of these about 10 years ago, some dude beat the fuck out of his competitor pretty bad but couldn't continue to the next round because in the process of beating said fuck out of said competitor, he broke both his hands. o_O
Yeah I had stopped watching around UFC 13 because PPV every month adds up! I only watched this because they had this reality series thing on SpikeTV for the two weight classes to win a UFC contract. It was pretty cool, but the one fight on the finale tonight (they showed it the last couple nights) was the best I have seen, even the ones I used to watch back about 8-10 years ago. Definitely catch it if you like this stuff.

Only rule difference I could tell is they all wear these semi padded gloves. Not like it helped though because those guys were busting each other open anyways. I think they can no longer kick each other in the nuts as well (I recall that was allowed in the beginning).

I caught a K1 match last week and it wasn't too bad. Seemed a little watered down though compared to the UFC stuff.
One Inch Man said:
I watched one of these about 10 years ago, some dude beat the fuck out of his competitor pretty bad but couldn't continue to the next round because in the process of beating said fuck out of said competitor, he broke both his hands. o_O

Dude I remember that one, that was pretty insane! I remember that one match before weight classes too where this little guy floored a 400 some odd pound dude with a slap (yes, slap!) to the side of the head. Heck that could have been the same match as I think the little guy then jumped on top and started hammering the guys head with his fists.
I follow MMA (mixed martial arts) very very closely, and in the MMA circle that show is considered a bit of a joke (still fun to watch). Its all about Pride FC, thats where the big guns fight.

check out its a great great great MMA site.

I aslo train MMA (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu + Muay Thai) and have videos of my fights I'm gona upload but I don't think anyone here would really be interested.
Pride FC....that's what I meant, not K1.

And yes MetalAges, UFC changed by:

-introducing rounds and time limits
-padded gloves
-kicking rules (you can only kick to the face if you fight barefoot)
-weight divisions

As you said earlier, it used to be very cool to see a 160lb Ninja dude fight a 350lb sumo wrestler. But now it's all really just glorified greco-roman wrestling with a few punches. I'll watch the fight on Spike TV tonight though!

One of the best fighters I ever saw was Don "The Predator" Frye. Man, he knew how to take out anyone, including Tank Abbott!! :loco:
Yes, i saw the fight you are talking about on spike tv (bonner vs forest), i thought that bonner (spelling?) actually won, but regardless it was a great fight.
Yeah the bonnar forrest thing was a bloodbath. I dont know how it wasnt a draw, or how Forrest kept fighting? but the first match totally sucked. Diego was so much better than that FLorian guy it wasnt funny.

However, I dont really like the UFC that much. The wrestling is overemphasized; and too often guys are allowed to keep their opponent in a hold for over a minute, making the match quite dull. Plus they allow elbows! Most of the guys arent very skilled at actual fighting, but good wrestlers. Only the top UFC fighters have real kickboxing and boxing skills. So K1 or middleweight or lighter boxing is still where its at.
JayKeeley said:
But now it's all really just glorified greco-roman wrestling with a few punches.

Im sorry but that really just isn't true (in my opinion). Im an avid fan of MMA and I think that the ground game is the most important part of the fight plus the most exiting to watch. It is far more then just "glorified greco-roman" though there are greco roman wrestlers involved. You see Jiu Jitsu vs Shootbox vs Greco Roman vs Pancration vs Submission Grappling vs...etc etc. People dog on the UFC because it isn't just a retarded bloodbath anymore, its a legitemet MMA league, where the fighters actually have to train and practice 150%. No longer can somone like Royce Gracie sweep the entire UFC (1, 2, and 3) just because he was a master at Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, because people realize now that this is a key element to anyones MMA game, so everyone trains it. The fights now are beutifull to watch and take much more skill and brains then the bare knuckle cock slapping fests of UFC 1, 2, 3 (though it was really fun to see Royce rape EVERYONE).

Atlas Shrugged said:
Vitor Belforts a fucking killer.

Dude Vitor is a beast with his hands, some of the fastest I have ever seen in UFC at least. But hes a gigantic vagina when it comes to having the heart of a fighter. If his fists don't get him the advantage within 1 and a 1/2 rounds he seems to just bitch out and let himself be submitted. Plus his ground game aint up to par with some of the Jiu Jitsu Specialists out there. Plus he obviously did steroids at one point when he became HUGE, then Sylvia got cought for 'roids and Vitor mysteriously began to shrink =P.

Also, any Wanderlei Silva fans? I fucking love watching him fight, one of the ONLY fighters I enjoy watching fight stand up, punch for punch. His fight against Quinton Jackson = awsome, and the final knockout = hillarious.
speed said:
Most of the guys arent very skilled at actual fighting, but good wrestlers.

Also, this is one of the most un-informed comments ever. Im not raggin on you, but grappling IS the most important skill in any fight, ever. A grappler will win against a pure fighter HANDS DOWN, EVERY TIME. If you dont' believe me, watch the first 3 UFC's, as I mentioned in my last post. Its not that people arn't skilled strikers, its that they know the fight will be won through an arm bar, a guiloteen, rear nacked choke, etc etc. More often then it will be won through a punch or kick.

MMA is not a specticle.

EDIT: Sorry, im a little obssessed:( Some people like baseball...I like MMA.
That is only because you watch too much UFC! The rules of the sport and structure of the ring are in favor of the greco roman wrestler. Any good fighter naturally gravitates towards boxing, K1 Shen Shuay( or however the hell you spell it) Muay Thai etc. have you seen a good K1 fight, or a excellent boxer? Their hand and foot speed is such a wrestler would never have the ability to get inside; especially if they dont have gloves. The only UFC guy I have seen with good hand to hand skills is Liddell; but he can wrestle too. Still, he knocks everyone out because he is such a superior had to hand fighter. Imagine then Ernesto Hoeght or Bob Sapp with their kicking and boxing power hitting one of these wrestlers without gloves? Jesus someone would get killed every night.
speed said:
That is only because you watch too much UFC! The rules of the sport and structure of the ring are in favor of the greco roman wrestler. Any good fighter naturally gravitates towards boxing, K1 Shen Shuay( or however the hell you spell it) Muay Thai etc. have you seen a good K1 fight, or a excellent boxer? Their hand and foot speed is such a wrestler would never have the ability to get inside; especially if they dont have gloves. The only UFC guy I have seen with good hand to hand skills is Liddell; but he can wrestle too. Still, he knocks everyone out because he is such a superior had to hand fighter. Imagine then Ernesto Hoeght or Bob Sapp with their kicking and boxing power hitting one of these wrestlers without gloves? Jesus someone would get killed every night.

No...thats just very not true. Bob Sapp fights in Pride FC and has loss through submissions. Price FC uses the same gloves as UFC and every other MMA league, if not less padding. He is not a powerhouse that will rip somones head off with one blow, MMA fighters are much more skillfull then that and would not let that happen. They take him to the floor when need be, and evade his lumbering roundhouses and retardedly slow shin kicks when needed. He is just another Tank Abbot...a big slow streetfighting specticle. He is not considered a true fighter in most MMA circles, just somone to put on the bil to make people go HOLLY MOLLY HIS HUGE...AND HE JUST GOT SUBMITTED BY THAT TINY LITTLE DUDE! WOWY! On top of that the majority of his WINS are through submissions, because he realizes the value of grappling. (Though some of his subs are through striking). here is his stats sheat.
Manymanymanymanymanymanymany MMA fighters where one time golden glove winners, plus many professional boxers enter the Octagon/Ring, and they mostly loose by an Armbar. This is just how it is...the rules of MMA are NOT geared directly toward grapplers, in fact they are realativly balanced towards strikers and grapplers making the best fighter in all situations the overall winner.
Have you seen oldschool gracie videos? They had/still have a challenge for ANY fighter in the world to test there skills, and for example rickson gracie is 421/2 or somthing for a record. It is just very untrue that that pure kickboxers will beat MMA fighters (of course theres exeptions) even the Emelienkos use sambo. Also you mentioned San Shou and Muay Thai, both of which incorperate stand up grappling, and both of which are very simuler and trained in Vale Tudo, which is a very populer style in MMA.

The history of MMA shows that a stand up fighter will often loose to a grappler, and that a well rounded stand up + striker will almost always wins hands down over a pure kickboxer or other striker...

98% of all fights, in the streat and in the ring, end up on the ground.
Jeepers, small response for all my attempted-writing =( hopping to spark a few peoples interest in MMA.