Any Ultimate Fighting fans here?

Are the fight scenes cool?

I dunno if anyone has read RA Salvator but his fight scenes are freaking amazing. Plus his books are very cool.
Oh i know he has a very good resume for training, but I mean can he write cool fight scenes?

And only check out RA Salvatore if you don't mind cliche fantasy (Dungeons and Dragons stuff), which i love =)
I enjoy them.....but what I mean is, I wouldn't necessarily know if something is hard to accept from the perspective of a trained fighter. I can only assume that because he is experienced at sparring, and from what he describes, techniques which are banned from competition because of their danger, that he knows what he's talking about.
I am a MMA nut. You name it Ive seen it just about.
King Of the Cage, K1, Pride, Ufc. Its all great and yes the FORREST GRIFFIN vs STEFAN BONNAR fight at the finals was absolutely one of the top 5 best fights EVER!!!

Sakurabu beat the shit outta all the Gracies. Gracies are sick dont get me wrong but the ONE HOUR 30 MINUTE fight between SAKURABA and ROYCE was so one sided. SAK expertly took him apart. Royce couldnt even walk.

The kid that won DIEGO SANCHEZ( Middle weight) at the The ultimate fighter finals is from Albuquerque which is where I live . I met him at a Hastings one night, he was wearing a TAPOUT shirt and I asked him about it and he told me who he was and I was like "HOLY SHIT, I watched you on King Of the Cage" My favorite fighter is IGOR VOVCHANYN , if youve watched Pride you know who he is. Or Oleg Taktarov.

Oh and RA SALVATORES dark elf series kicks ass. Whats the elfs name I cant remember......Drizzt , right??? Hes also in Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance 2
Sakurabu beat the shit outta all the Gracies. Gracies are sick dont get me wrong but the ONE HOUR 30 MINUTE fight between SAKURABA and ROYCE was so one sided. SAK expertly took him apart. Royce couldnt even walk.

I might have come across as a gracie fanboy, but by no means am i at all, nor do i think there the unstoppable family that lots of people think. i was just saying that grappling is a highly underestimated thing to non-MMA fans, and that to say stuff like "If somone like Bob Sapp went up against a grappler, people would die" is pretty stupid. YOu being a fan, im sure you can understand, haha.
Oh yeah man I wasnt mouthing, i just remeber how much i use to think the Gracies were unstoppable until That Sak fight. Man it was brutal, Sak delievered so many thighs kicks that Royce couldnt walk literally.

Yeah I love the wrestling aspect, espcially when guys like Mark the Hammer Coleman Or Randy Couture take guys down and then ground and pound them. Or those brazilian guys lay in the arm bars or triangle holds. Every damn Brazilian Ive seen can do that shit. Makes me not wanna go to Brazil to fight hahahaha.
heres a link to wanderlei's highlight page...hes my favorite fighter along with genki so im kind of biased :D:D[/QUOTE]

Silva is sick!!! His knees have literally devastated people. They are like razors. When I first started watching I wanted to see straight fights but as I watched more I learned about the ballet that goes on on the ground, espc. how guards work. After I learned about the different mounts and guards I was hooked for life, because anybody can stand up and throw a punch but the real game is on the ground, and I like how just because some one is on their back doesnt mean its over, If a guy on the ground has his gaurd in then all he has to worry about are weak arm shots because the other guy cant get any room to throw a massive punch, its like a well orchestrated machine.Watching Gracie taught me about fightint from your back. Fighting is like Heavy metal , its for everyone UNLESS YOUR TO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND IT!!!
Silva is sick!!! His knees have literally devastated people. They are like razors. When I first started watching I wanted to see straight fights but as I watched more I learned about the ballet that goes on on the ground, espc. how guards work. After I learned about the different mounts and guards I was hooked for life, because anybody can stand up and throw a punch but the real game is on the ground, and I like how just because some one is on their back doesnt mean its over, If a guy on the ground has his gaurd in then all he has to worry about are weak arm shots because the other guy cant get any room to throw a massive punch, its like a well orchestrated machine.Watching Gracie taught me about fightint from your back. Fighting is like Heavy metal , its for everyone UNLESS YOUR TO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND IT!!!

fucking exactly man! You learn about the ground game and its like watching a dance, or a chess match...its like going from Slipknot to real metal...thats the way to describe it in terms people here will understand. The people that are like "D00D I JUST WANNA SEE GUYS BEAT EACH OTHER WOOO FUCK WRETLSINTIN GYESSSEAAA!!!!111oneone!!!" to MMA fans soundl ike the guys that are like "WOOO! SLIPKNOT 4 LYFE 6sic6!111one!1!1".
[I love you...... In a totally non homoerotic way of course. HAHa

My senior year of highschool i had a computer class with one of our state wrestling champs and we were messing around and hes not much bigger than me but more solid muscle. Im only 5'7" 120 lbs, but anyway he went to shoot in at my legs and since I watched so much of that crap I under hooked his arm and put him in a cradle and picked him up. He laughed and was shocked as hell. Then I asked if he was gonna beat me up when I put him down. Luckily he said no. :tickled: I was kinda worried.
My favorite fighter is IGOR VOVCHANYN , if youve watched Pride you know who he is. Or Oleg Taktarov.

Taktarov (The Russian Bear) is in the movies now, and he's a pretty good actor surprisingly enough. He was in that Robert DeNiro film, "15 Minutes".

Yeah I love the wrestling aspect, espcially when guys like Mark the Hammer Coleman Or Randy Couture take guys down and then ground and pound them. .

Yeah, exactly. Dan Severn used to do this as well. It's the "pounding" part of the wrestling that people pay to see. Nobody wants to see two men just grappling to find a lock, or get the tap out. Why? Because then you end up with fights like Severn vs. Shamrock? Remember that 2 hour debacle?

Give me Don "The Predator" Frye take on Tank Abbott any day of the week. I think that was UFC #5, when both were in their prime. Sure, Frye won with an armbar but only after Abbott caved half his face in.
JayKeeley said:
Taktarov (The Russian Bear) is in the movies now, and he's a pretty good actor surprisingly enough. He was in that Robert DeNiro film, "15 Minutes".

Yeah he was in 15 minutes and NAtional Treasure and Bad BOys 2.
Severn WAS A FREAKIN BEAST. Don Frye was like The Couture of his time, he could take apart anyone and hardly ever gave up.
Pride FC is more entertaining than UFC but to be honest I'm not crazy about either one; I just watch them with my friends because they're wimps who never want to do anything else.
Mormagil said:
Pride FC is more entertaining than UFC but to be honest I'm not crazy about either one; I just watch them with my friends because they're wimps who never want to do anything else.

Pride I think is for people with a little more understanding of fighting. UFC is quicker, more fist fighting stuff. Not always but some.