anybody here suffering from the US economy?


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
I think most of us Americans here are feeling it in some way or another. My mother has been struggling a lot this year. She works in the escrow business, which has been hit hard because of the housing crisis. She got demoted from a branch manager to working in some horrible office where they deal with foreclosures and whatnot. She quit that job because it was ruining her health and her sanity. Then she got a job at another title company and recently got laid off. I had to move back in with my mom after I came back from Germany because I don't have a job (which was my own choice (had to get out of the tire business because it's crap)), but now I think we're going to have to resort to food stamps. I got a job recently in the gaming business, which apparently hasn't been suffering so much from our economic woes, so that's nice. But stuff is shit.

How about everybody else?
No, not at this time. I work and my wife stays home. We own (are buying) a home that we can afford. We have always tried to be wise with out money and live within our means. My wife is very smart and good with finances. When she worked she was in accounting.
I'm not. I'm only 15, but I really hope this won't last long, because when I'm out at 18, I'm fucked anyway.
Nope. Dad is military, mom is a teacher and we have a house without an adjustable rate mortgage.
My father's blood pressure has gone up because of it. We have a good deal of money in the stock market, but luckily most of it's in Switzerland.
All I know is I'm hurting. I don't have a great job or anything, but my expenses are relatively cheap. I live in a trailer alone & I only pay lot rent. Everyone I talk to is feeling pressure from it. I mean EVERYONE.
Yeah, I graduated from Northwestern in the spring and haven't been able to find work yet. Still living with my mom and making enough money caddying to cover my low expenses. But that income goes away in a month or two and won't come back until the spring. We own our house, so that really helps.

A lot of my friends from Northwestern haven't found work yet. A popular choice for several of them was to go teach English in Spain or Japan.
No. I didn't go crazy buying a house, have very little debt, and live very comfortably within my means. If anything I refrain more from big impulse buys because I'm afraid to run my bank account close to the edge.
I work full time and I'm pulling in around 40K and I live at home. I will be moving out around January though (or that is the plan at least). My dad is a doctor, so he won't really have trouble finding work ever.

The only thing that has been hit by us is our IRAs and other investments. I bought 300 shares of GE at 33 and change and it's down to 22 right now.
shit yeah. my wife put her 2 weeks in back in june, because she felt her job was too stressful and she didn't want anything to happen to our baby. i shit you not, her very last day on the job, she had a miscarriage. she almost bled to death too. i wonder if it would been for the best. she thought she'd be able to find a job by now, but she's still not able to, and i don't make very good money. we live in a meth ghetto, we get about 175 a month in food stamps, but goddamn gas, food, kids clothes, and stupid shit we don't need has got us behind big time.

i had to quit drinking, which is something that i'd really like to do when things are going fucked up, kind of take the edge off late nights after long days. which is gay as fuck, because it seems like i'm teh only one making sacrifices, my wife and kids are constantly buying stupid shit, and fast food and all-around bullshit. i know it's taken a toll on my marriage, but i know i'm not the only. times are tough for alot of people these days. it would be easy to slap the shit of her and beat my kids asses for fucking with my money, but i just keep doing what i gotta do. and it's really fucked up because i'm kind of relieved now that we lost the baby, which makes me feel shitty, but oh well, i just hope that things get better and she can find a decent job.

there are motherfuckers around here though that have 6, 7 kids, are on mad drugs, don't work, worthless fucks who pay like 50 dollars rent and get up to 1,500 a month assistance, but when we applied they gave us such a paltry sum. it sucks to even have to go there though, i'd rather we earn our money honestly, but times are shitty, and sometimes you need help. i have a death and dismemberment plan at my job, but that's a last resort. bank robbery, drug dealing, pimping, all these things cross my mind everyday. fuck, even going to church crosses my mind. i dunno, whatever, at least i still have internet, and that's all that matters. :rolleyes:
shit yeah. my wife put her 2 weeks in back in june, because she felt her job was too stressful and she didn't want anything to happen to our baby. i shit you not, her very last day on the job, she had a miscarriage. she almost bled to death too. i wonder if it would been for the best. she thought she'd be able to find a job by now, but she's still not able to, and i don't make very good money. we live in a meth ghetto, we get about 175 a month in food stamps, but goddamn gas, food, kids clothes, and stupid shit we don't need has got us behind big time.

i had to quit drinking, which is something that i'd really like to do when things are going fucked up, kind of take the edge off late nights after long days. which is gay as fuck, because it seems like i'm teh only one making sacrifices, my wife and kids are constantly buying stupid shit, and fast food and all-around bullshit. i know it's taken a toll on my marriage, but i know i'm not the only. times are tough for alot of people these days. it would be easy to slap the shit of her and beat my kids asses for fucking with my money, but i just keep doing what i gotta do. and it's really fucked up because i'm kind of relieved now that we lost the baby, which makes me feel shitty, but oh well, i just hope that things get better and she can find a decent job.

there are motherfuckers around here though that have 6, 7 kids, are on mad drugs, don't work, worthless fucks who pay like 50 dollars rent and get up to 1,500 a month assistance, but when we applied they gave us such a paltry sum. it sucks to even have to go there though, i'd rather we earn our money honestly, but times are shitty, and sometimes you need help. i have a death and dismemberment plan at my job, but that's a last resort. bank robbery, drug dealing, pimping, all these things cross my mind everyday. fuck, even going to church crosses my mind. i dunno, whatever, at least i still have internet, and that's all that matters. :rolleyes:

Holy fuck dude, I'm sorry to hear that!!! Are you white? If you are it's much more difficult to get assistance.
The interest rates have gone through the roof here, as a result of the american crisis. Which means that I have to work 50 hour weeks to cover the mortgage payments on my house- and student loans and still put aside money for my nephew's education.

Fuck you all, american infidel curs! :mad:
I was about 90% sure that last post was going to end with the Fresh Prince song.
So was I. If true though it made me sad.

I haven't really felt it yet. My parents both have pretty stable jobs and they don't have any debt beyond house and car. As for my personal money, I haven't felt it, but that could change if the Canadian dollar depreciates at all.