Im easily in the best shape of my life right now. 185 pounds of lean muscle mass thanks to double sessions 4 or 5 days a week doing a mix of crossfit work outs and more importantly gymnastics work outs using rings. ring training is the most effective training for developing pure upper body strength, hands down. you get explosive. it's sick. nothing better than doing a set of muscle ups without breaking a sweat. my core, anterior and posterior, is rock solid. side planks on a swiss ball will kill the obliques. squat pressing heavy weight for sets followed by 50 kettle bell swings will beast your ass into overdrive. do 5 rounds of that and tell me otherwise. Follow things up with a nice stretch, some lean meat for protein with some rice and veggies and cold water.... and of course a hot shower. youve done more today than 99 percent of the human population that is ABLE to. get your ass to the gym.