Anyone ever tasted ostrich meat before?

Ayeka said:
I've had kangaroo before but didn't like it much.

Probably because they took months to ship it in big frozen containers filled with medical supplies and spare limbs. You need to try 'roo flesh fresh, nothing compares.
Décadent said:
Probably because they took months to ship it in big frozen containers filled with medical supplies and spare limbs. You need to try 'roo flesh fresh, nothing compares.

Yeah, true. I'll take that into account :)
hahaha thats some good shit.

and yes please throw horse meat at me when i get off the plane, that is kvlt.

EDIT: Close enough. :Spin:
OKAY FINE YUO WIN. Mike if you say something else that's awesome, you still get to be in 500 East Hampton High School year books.
Ifurin said:
Does anyone care about geese :confused:

Geese are vile. They are rats with wings - especially Canadian Geese that don't fucking fly south for the winter. They just laze about, shitting everywhere, and hiss at you at any given opportunity.

Shit man, I thought pigeons were bad, but geese are sick. The only good geese are these ones:


If you haven't seen that and The Dirty Dozen, then you must listen to Enslaved or something.
To be honest I think geese fucking rock. Ill tempered birds that are more effective guard dogs than uhh, guard dogs? That's nature's version of continual necksnap, like this dude: :kickass: