Anyone ever...


Aug 29, 2007
Anyone mixdown just the drums track, then reimport them onto a seperate track then squash the daylights out of them, AND add reverb to the compressed track? (I know that the first part is considered to be parallel compression) But I guess my question is, does anyone ever put reverb on just the compressed drums? If so, how do you go about doing it and which verb do you use?
put a send on your drum buss (- the kick, ) to an FX Buss with the Compressor on it, then add the reverb to the FX Buss. i tend to always go for a large hall type of reverb, a wooden hall if possible.

although i never seem to do it like this, i create another FX Buss with the Reverb on it, and just send the desired amount of signal to it straight from the channel chosen.
i sometimes do this in combination with parallel comporession. that meens i have 3 busses of drums:
-1 clean
-1 compressed and mixed in
-1 comrpressed to hell, with reverb and some tubelike distortion / saturation mixed in

I usually do this when I don't have any room mics in the recordings and I do want to bring out the roomyness in the sound. by compressing it to hell everything that's softer gets a lot louder, so do all the reflections, but I usually do have to ad some additional reverb. most of the time I use a room style reverb for this.