anyone feel like discussing world war three?

Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
i think you can clearly see an opressor and an opressed one. then again, palestinian warriors killing jewish innocents isn't fair at all. but what is even more unfair, is USA+Europe allowing Israel army to slay palestinian people. when Israel kills, call it war. when Palestin kills, call it terrorism. :mad:

must i say again i'm not into killing people at all ? :)


Yes, but that makes neither side's behaviour excusable. It isn't so much Europe, its the US, and they will always support Israel - whoever stops this support will lose the Jewish vote which counts for almost 1/3 of all American voters...
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Yes, but that makes neither side's behaviour excusable.

of course mate. but fighting for freedom could somehow be fair, more than fighting for opression. what should the opressed people do? see the army kill their relatives/friends/pets/whatever and stay quiet?

It isn't so much Europe, its the US, and they will always support Israel - whoever stops this support will lose the Jewish vote which counts for almost 1/3 of all American voters...

deffo, look at that Djenin stuff - isn't the american behaviour there totally disgusting?

no surrender,
Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
They should have killed Saddim in the Gulf War IMO, I do not know why they did'nt, Saddim is one crazy fuck
They couldn't kill him (they wanted to), becuse Iran were massed on their boarder, just waiting for that to happen so they could invade Iraq. That would have destabalised the whole region and led to a bigger war. It leaves me to wonder how Bush thinks he can get rid of Saddam (or even how he could justify doing it) without the same thing happening :err:..........
Originally posted by godisanathiest

Nice well rounded, well thought out statement there PAGAN2002...:rolleyes: Does that include paganism? How can you just generalise like that - righting off 75% of the world's population as believing in shit?

:) Nice one. You're pretty sharp to pick that up!

I tend to agree with Atheist2002 about religion, though. Everyone's got their opinions (as we're about to find out), so I'll state mine.

I don't think we need religion at all, of any kind. Good people do good things, not because they're afraid of a man in the sky with long beard, but because they know it to be good. Religion, even today, is just too clever by half at leading people and frightening them.

I think someone in the Opeth forum summed it up best about holy wars. To paraphrase, "people fighting over different invisible men".

Plus, it's all a bit kooky, isn't it? There are always a few massive reasons to not follow a religion which are just to obvious to ignore.
Originally posted by requiem
:) Nice one. You're pretty sharp to pick that up!

Nah, just had a plethora of religious debates ;)

I don't think we need religion at all, of any kind. Good people do good things, not because they're afraid of a man in the sky with long beard, but because they know it to be good. Religion, even today, is just too clever by half at leading people and frightening them.

Ah, but what about people who don't know right from wrong without either law or religion telling them not to do it? There are certainly people who still don't.

I agree, I think even the religious should do the "right" thing, not for fear of hell, but because they want to, but have come to the conclusion not all poeple do :)

And just as I'm a mine of useless information ;) 90% of all wars are religous...useful statistic that one :)
Religion.. Pah!! What a lot of cobblers. When you die you just return to the ground as fertilizer. OK there are a lot of questions we can't answer.... whats life for? what made the universe? Is there a god ? Even if there is a superior being who has made our little world, why should we be bowing down to him , and praising him/it with stupid churchie words, like Oh god the most holy/ Praise to Allah etc etc. I repeat...WHAT a load of cobblers.
Originally posted by godisanathiest

I agree, I think even the religious should do the "right" thing, not for fear of hell, but because they want to, but have come to the conclusion not all poeple do :)

Wasn't it Immanuel Kant who said something like, "the only society that could exist without religion is a small group of philosophers"?

Otherwise, people just misbehave! Naughty people, naughty! :lol:

If religion's good for only one thing (and it isn't), it's that millions of people have indulged in a good old debate!
Originally posted by requiem
Wasn't it Immanuel Kant who said something like, "the only society that could exist without religion is a small group of philosophers"?

Otherwise, people just misbehave! Naughty people, naughty! :lol:

If religion's good for only one thing (and it isn't), it's that millions of people have indulged in a good old debate!

:lol: You're right, its good for several things :p Religious debates usually end up going round in circles tho... Ah well ;) They're still thought provoking :grin:
Originally posted by godisanathiest
:lol: You're right, its good for several things :p Religious debates usually end up going round in circles tho... Ah well ;) They're still thought provoking :grin:

yeah, and sometimes people get very angry and each other opinion, and they start to behave very badly. i think there's a name for this kind of situation, isn't it religion war? ;)

Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
yeah, and sometimes people get very angry and each other opinion, and they start to behave very badly. i think there's a name for this kind of situation, isn't it religion war? ;)


I resent that, I'm going to bomb the fuck out of you ;) WAR

What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing baby


Ok, Mehdi I'm an israeli (born in Israel) and I'll agree with you to a certain point. I'll agree that Sharon, can't handle the sitation and that he's a retarded pig.
Arafat is incapable of taking care of the palestinian terrorists.
But both sides do wrongs. I'm a pacifist, I think all violence is wrong, and so is patriotism.
So the only thing they can do is, wait.
Both of the people wants to have peace. So, we'll have to wait. It get much worse (it probably will) but it can get better.
Originally posted by Q&A
Ok, Mehdi I'm an israeli (born in Israel) and I'll agree with you to a certain point. I'll agree that Sharon, can't handle the sitation and that he's a retarded pig.
Arafat is incapable of taking care of the palestinian terrorists.
But both sides do wrongs. I'm a pacifist, I think all violence is wrong, and so is patriotism.

yeah yeah violence is wrong. but when your land is stolen by other people using violence and that all the world don't seem to care, what else could you do? it's about opression. PLO suicide attacks sucks, but Israel army's violent opression sucks even more.

and what's really sick there is that a lot of jews living there totally disagree with their army and Sharon. people could live along there without much problems, but Israel army is willing to destroy Palestin, just like that Arafat loser is only interested in his own career.

of course war isn't a solution. but i think none can't deny there's an opressing one and an opressed one there.

So the only thing they can do is, wait.
Both of the people wants to have peace. So, we'll have to wait. It get much worse (it probably will) but it can get better.

yep, wait & see. anyway i'm glad we had your opinion there dude.

Originally posted by pagan2002
Slobodan Milosevic should be shot in his balls and then killed.....:)....And I could say the same about Ariel Sharon, fuckin' Nixon.......

Remember this?:D :grin:

It was Pepsi Sziget 2001....

I'm from Yugoslavia and I'm sick&tired from these wars.....
:ill: please stop it:yell: :zombie:
If there is a WW3 then I can't say noone saw it coming. C'mon people, does anyone seriously believe that humans can live in peace and harmony? At some point humans are going to cause our own extinction, be it through a few warheads or by poisoning/exploiting our biosphere to the point where it can no longer support us.

Human nature. I really don't believe humankind will ever see peace, nice idea, but so was communism...