i feel like...

pagan2002 said:
of course it exists.. its a state of mind, an emotion, and a really good reason to get up in the morning. well in blackeyed.. are you the english lass in rome?

Sure maybe i don't disagree with it, but love has let me down so many times before that i don't know if it is even worth it.
blackeyed said:
so you think that love can only exist when there is a second party to love? i dont think thats the case. sometimes i feel love for no apparent reason. i know its love because i feel its love.....just one of them things my chum, dont try and argue or ill shoot you with me love gun .......

Well... yeah, depends on the way you look at it. I am happy again the last while, something i haven't really been for a long time, i do get my moments, and yeah it feels great to be happy. But i don't put it down to love, i don't think you need love to be happy, so that is why i was wondering if you know it is love.
MetallicaSux said:
Well... yeah, depends on the way you look at it. I am happy again the last while, something i haven't really been for a long time, i do get my moments, and yeah it feels great to be happy. But i don't put it down to love, i don't think you need love to be happy, so that is why i was wondering if you know it is love.

MetallicaSux said:
Well... yeah, depends on the way you look at it. I am happy again the last while, something i haven't really been for a long time, i do get my moments, and yeah it feels great to be happy. But i don't put it down to love, i don't think you need love to be happy, so that is why i was wondering if you know it is love.
i right, i see what you're getting at me ol' mucker, still disagree though for me being happy is feeling love - its fundamentally what it is. not necessarily being in love. what i said orginally is i felt like i was in love - i still stand by that, ive come over all :dopey: and all the stuff me a dragonlady were talking about connections with people still stands aswell
:grin: good good....so hows it feel to be home danny? i was on a downer when i got back to england - my sudden burst of 'i can do anything at anytime' really lifted me up, and combined with the gig was on a total high!!! still am
MetallicaSux said:
this whole thread is the explaination and part of the reason im in a chirpy mood. im pissing myself off atm, i cant stop going on about it. i guess this links in with the things for live for thread. how i feel right now is certainly something to live for - if we are going to put it in terms or riffs, its like angelica when the guitars comes in fully after about 1min 15sec. just that little up scaley bit :grin:
Well good. Don't you wish you always feel like that? I know i was going on about love doesn't exist, but as i said it had failed me a few times. But what a feeling it is to be inlove and especially if that someone feels the same for you.
MetallicaSux said:
Well good. Don't you wish you always feel like that? I know i was going on about love doesn't exist, but as i said it had failed me a few times. But what a feeling it is to be inlove and especially if that someone feels the same for you.
ah they dont have to feel the same. its just good to know that they visit me in dreams and that they are happy (i assume) and alive and that. id probably never get chance for them to feel the same anyway.
sorry to hear that you got burned for whatever reason thats never good, but it does help you to appreciate love when it is there. when you were hurting it was an absence of love, so its not like love hurts you. just wait - its gona creep back over you some time soon - it always does. thats whats so good about it, its like when you bump into an old friend - just want to spend loads of time with them think about old times when you were together (you and love not you and someother person) and then have new experiences together.
MetallicaSux said:
What do you mean by this?
Well its part of life and i am sure most people have been through it, its onle experience.
well the only way they could feel anything for me is to have experience of me (in a nonsexual sense) but id probably never get the chance to wind up in the same place as them, or if i did to be able to, well you know be me to the full kinda thing.
yeah most people do go through it your right, and its good to see that you can admit that its experience - gold star for you!
i feel like.... like i... like i could....


ok i'll be quiet now.
autumnsphere said:

This is really creepy, when I was in the middle of turning from the first page to the second, the words "this is love" formed in my head and then when the second page was loaded, I saw the very same words written on the screen.


So this is love in all forms for me:

(My nephew's writing, translated into English - he's 9)

Winter holiday

Once upon a time at school David was asked how his winter holiday was going. He said he went to the playground first. He could do a lot of things there, he could ski, sled, skate, build a snowman. The little boy built a snowman with his mother first. A broom into its hand, a pot on its head and a carrot on its nose, just like all normal snowmen. Then they slid down on a sled. Their dog wanted to catch them. They slid down at least thirty times. Then his godmother taught his mother, Enci, their dog, Aliz, and David to ski. Enci and Maqus, his godmother, could ski very well. Maqus learned to ski in Ireland, and Enikő was just good at skiing cause she is good at everything. David almost managed to do it, but then he always fell. And Aliz didn't ski but ran and tripped. This was David's best winter holiday.