anyone go to the London show?


Apr 25, 2002
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wow what an amazing gig!
there was a real buzz in this beautiful old theatre type venue.

great to see alex shredding it up like back in the day!
the band sounded great and chuck's vocals were spot on.

cool to hear 'electric crown' and 'let go of my world'.
not forgetting 'the legacy'!

did anyone else on here make it to the gig?
share your thoughts...
anyone get the full set list?
I was there, and i have to say, it was the best gig i've been too, fucking amazing. I met all they guys before the gig, and got my ticket and first 6 albums signed, (apart from Eric.) cause he went inside and never came out again.

I was also at the front for the whole gig, and Chuck held the mic out to me during "Into the pit" to shout "into the pit" down the mic. :headbang: and the whole thing got filmed :Spin: I'll be getting that the day it comes out.

bloody amazing gig....

set list: (A couple of songs might not be in the right order.)

The Preacher
The Haunting
Electric Crown
The New Order
Sins of Omission
In to the Pit
Souls of Black
Let Go of my World
Practise What you Preach
Trial by Fire
Over the Wall
The Legacy
Raging Waters
Disciples of the Watch
Suspira where rubbish, IMO, all you could hear from where i was standing was the kick drum which was just non-stop double.

it was made worse by the fact we had just sat though 3 other support bands, and just wanted to see Testament, people started charting "Testament" during the suspira set. can't tell you the set list as i don't know any Suspira songs. They also filmed the Suspira set, so........... they were on for about 45 minutes i think.
I was standing right behind the soundboard, and let me tell you Susperia's sound engineer looked pretty flustered and confused for their set.
Each band had their own sound guy up there, and eventually a few of the other engineers went up there to help him so they sounded alright for the last few songs.

There also seemed to be some real technical difficulties as well. I think Divine Empire took too long to set-up, I noticed the guitarist was having some problems getting his guitar to actually work properly.

Demolition's set went off without a hitch, but then Susperia took a long time to set up as well. The drum tech was fiddling with the drums for ages.

Also, Susperia did not play for 45 minutes, they played three songs and then announced they where skipping ahead to their last song, again probably because of all the technical difficulties and schedule over-running.

Testament however, where absolutely faultless. They really saved the night for me, definitely one of the best gigs I've been to despite all the problems!
Soul Reaper said:
I was standing right behind the soundboard, and let me tell you Susperia's sound engineer looked pretty flustered and confused for their set.
Each band had their own sound guy up there, and eventually a few of the other engineers went up there to help him so they sounded alright for the last few songs.

There also seemed to be some real technical difficulties as well. I think Divine Empire took too long to set-up, I noticed the guitarist was having some problems getting his guitar to actually work properly.

Demolition's set went off without a hitch, but then Susperia took a long time to set up as well. The drum tech was fiddling with the drums for ages.

Also, Susperia did not play for 45 minutes, they played three songs and then announced they where skipping ahead to their last song, again probably because of all the technical difficulties and schedule over-running.

Testament however, where absolutely faultless. They really saved the night for me, definitely one of the best gigs I've been to despite all the problems!

yeah thinking about it thats ture, forget what i said, i remember thinking after susperia .....they wern't on for long, it was Divine Empire that where on for fucking ages, and every song sounded the same. I had kinda lost the plot by Susperia.
max said:
wow what an amazing gig!
there was a real buzz in this beautiful old theatre type venue.

great to see alex shredding it up like back in the day!
the band sounded great and chuck's vocals were spot on.

cool to hear 'electric crown' and 'let go of my world'.
not forgetting 'the legacy'!

did anyone else on here make it to the gig?
share your thoughts...
anyone get the full set list?

Truly outstanding gig. The last time I saw that line-up was in September 1987(!)
Cheers guys - fukken top-notch!! :worship:

Waited round for (what seemed like) ages after - met Alex, who was cool about signing my shitload of LP covers, then got too cold to wait for the rest of the band, but I think they'd already gone on the bus. Can't say I blame 'em, though, it was bastard freezing at 10 to 1 in the morning!!

I didn't get a set list, but I did swipe one of the notices off the wall saying that by attending we consented to be filmed and that Eagle Rock (the producers) have the right to distribute the footage anywhere including the World Wide Web and, bizzarely, "anywhere in the Universe" in perpetuity. Just in case they can sell the DVD to Plutonians in 25 million years and avoid paying royalties to any of our descendants... :tickled:

It seemed like all the support bands were using the same set of drum triggers. One of the bands' drummers was left-handed, and it took a while for the kit to be re-arranged. Don't ask me which band it was though, could've been WUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH or BBBBBUUUUUUUUURRRRRGGGG UUUUUNGGGGGGG GGGUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, kinda hard to tell after a while, innit?

Daaaaaaaam, should've gone to Dynamo...
who were the band who played right before testament? i caught the last 10 minutes of their set and i thought they were pretty good.

yeah really amazing gig. the vibe was much more intense than i thought it would be. the crowd were really up for it and that added to the atmosphere.
What a fucking show, didnt pay much attention to the support bands - when you have seen as many bands come and go over the years then it gets to a point where alot of em sound the same but thats obviously not the case with Testament.
I'd waited 18 years to see this line up play - was too young to get into the gig at the Hammersmith Odeon back on the Practice tour in 1990 so this had been a long time coming.
From the opener "The Preacher" right up to the "extended" version of "Disciples" that ended the evening (did anyone see Alex look at a shrugging Eric as they carried on playing Diciples LOL) the whole set was a real blinder - one of the best shows I have ever seen - period!!!

Highlight for me was definately Electric Crown and no disrespect to other guitarists who have filled Alex's shoes since but there is only ONE man who can play that solo (little fills an all) and I saw it last night! I was packed in with alot of other fans of Alex to the left of the stage just to marvel at the guys ability - and he didnt disappoint - take for instance the start of "The New Order" where he didnt even look at the fretboard - fucking amazing!!!

Anyhow - left the missus on the topmost balcony talking to Chucks half bro and at one point Johnny T (after his half set) while enjoying the chaos right at the front. Took about 70 pics and filmed the whole of Electric Crown on the digicam. Was also fortunate enough to bump into Alex outside at the end for a pic and he also signed my 1990 Practice Tour shirt!

So I went home a happy man, just pissed I cant head off to see em in Germany this Saturday!

Edit - here's the sertlist the missus grabbed - interesting to see they were planning to play "Low" but left it out!

Susperia's sound was so bad I could barely make out what they were playing. In fact I couldn't tell what the song was after Chemistry but rest of the set was:

The Coming Past / Anguished Scream (For Vengeance) / Chemistry / ? / Beast By Design

Testament ruled! Dynamo was awesome but London went absolutely nuts when Testament came on!
i'm sure the set was cut short due to over-run and the curfew was 11.30 strict.
testament only came on at 10.20.

still it was an intense set.
wonder if they will play seven days of may at any of the other dates.
Man... that was one swinging party!!! To see the boys reunited once again on stage laying down the law, was nothing short of breathtaking! I think what made it a killer show was the fact that the KOKO is a more intimate venue than the last time they performed in the UK with that line-up. During the Titans tour they pretty much played in glorified aircraft hangars & the sound was echoed about 4 times before it reached your ears - sterilizing the whole performance.

I was right down the front directly facing Mr. Skolnick - the guy is a legend & to watch him close up, ripping the piss out of his own fretburning just totally made my night. The whole place was practically a ballistic bloodbath with bodies flying everywhere. The atmosphere was astounding and definitely one of the best gigs I've attended in my life! The fact that they were filming it probably added to the general mayhem - and I can't wait to see the finished result on DVD! I'm pretty sure us metallers in the UK have set the standard for all other pits globally to be compared to on the 8th May!!!

I met them all before the show & got the entire collection signed & photos with the band. It's totally made my life! You couldn't meet a more cool bunch of musicians!

I have to give huge thanks to Divine Empire for kicking my ass as well (you guys were robbed, and should have been higher on the bill with a longer set - but you sounded killer nonetheless!).

I think the main problem was the promoters booking too many support acts. If they researched their shit properly they would have realized that the fever pitch to see Testament reunited was universal and to put 4 bands before 'THE TESTAMENT REUNION' is just overkill. I feel really bad for Susperia, who are a killer band, but were subjected to chants for 'Testament' & 'Fuck Off', even before their set began. It showed true courage to perform under those conditions, whilst knowing everyone wants you off the stage so they can see the long awaited reunion. I just hope they're treated a lot better next time they're over here headlining! Demolition are a good band, but pretty much in the stocking filler category and the show could have gone on without them. It was tragic to see Susperia's set cut short because of this, not to mention the Testament one as well. How cool would it have been to watch Alex play one of James Murphy's solos for a change...

Overall, I'd say - if this doesn't convince Testament to keep the original line-up, then I don't know what fucking will! Come back very soon guys!!! :headbang: