Anyone going to Astoria on the 23rd April?

thats a bit worrying! Im doing my best to make the astoria as full as possible, Im bringing 7 mates and possibly 2 or 3 more..

Anyone know how well attended saxons uk gigs have been in the last few years?
Bosnian Witchfinder said:
thats a bit worrying! Im doing my best to make the astoria as full as possible, Im bringing 7 mates and possibly 2 or 3 more..

Anyone know how well attended saxons uk gigs have been in the last few years?

The last couple of Astoria gigs have been pretty much a sell out !
There are two support bands for the Astoria gig princess..........Diamond Head and Girlschool. Honest, you can trust me!

Two points/questions:

1. Where did you get that from
2. I saw Girlschool with Motorhead in november and performance-wise they were dismal. They dont deserve to support a band like saxon.
Bosnian Witchfinder said:
I saw Girlschool with Motorhead in november and performance-wise they were dismal. They dont deserve to support a band like saxon.

You go and wash your mouth out with soap right now Bosnian Witchfinder. Girlschool are a brilliant band, in fact one of my favourite bands, and I too saw them supporting Motorhead and they were fantastic, as always. They just didn't play long enough that was the only problem. It would have been a much better night if that ultra shitey In Flames didn't play and Girlschool could have played for much longer. Girlschool have been rocking hard and loud for years and I worship the ground they rock on!!!! They totally deserve to be supporting Saxon, in fact I think they are perfect for the job.

That was just a wind-up anyway about Girlschool and Diamond Head supporting them cos everyone on here knows I love those two bands.

The support band for The Astoria is going to be Blitzkrieg and the support bands for Wolverhampton is Blitzkrieg and Girlschool. And guess what gig I'll be going to. If someone said to me that I could have the choice of any 3 bands to play on the same bill, I would have chosen Saxon, Girlschool and Diamond Head but if Diamond Head were unavailable, I would pick Blitzkrieg. So the gig in the Wulfrun is almost too good to be true as far as I'm concerned - 3 of my fav bands together - absolutely mindblowing stuff and I'm practically spontaneously combusting right now thinking about it..
ok i take back what i said. i mean their material was definetly better than in flames, but they just werent top notch that night. I'm sure theyre miles better when in top form.

Plus, i was in a saxon trance, so i was kind of thinkin that they should have bands more like maiden supporting and playing in stadiums.
Bosnian Witchfinder said:
Anyone know how well attended saxons uk gigs have been in the last few years?

When Saxon played at King Tuts last time it was completely sold-out and when I saw them in Edinburgh in October there, it wasn't totally sold out as you could still get tickets at the door but it was pretty damn packed, so I would say the Liquid Rooms looked about 99% full that night.
At King Tuts it was mostly an older crowd, I think the vast majority there were aged about 35-45. There was only about 5 folk that looked as if they were under 30!!!

But I have to say at the Edinburgh gig I was quite surprised at the amount of younger people there. I thought it would have been an older crowd again but I saw quite a few metalheads who only looked about 18. In fact a couple of the younger ones came right over to me and were admiring badges and patches on my jacket and they weree very impressed with my Angel Witch patch and when I told them that I'd seen Angel Witch 3 times, they were nearly passed out!!!!!! That was their first time seeing Saxon and they ended up right in front of the barrier and I was directly behind them, and those wee guys went pure mental. They certainly enjoyed their first Saxon concert.

Is this going to be your first Saxon concert Witchfinder?
Paxoman said:
There are two support bands for the Astoria gig princess..........Diamond Head and Girlschool. Honest, you can trust me! :)

Hahaha trust you Paxoman, that'll be the day. I always remember the best piece of advice someone gave me a long time ago and it was this:-


So how many times did you do that over the Festive Season Paxoman lol????
princess_of_the_night2112 said:

Hahaha trust you Paxoman, that'll be the day. I always remember the best piece of advice someone gave me a long time ago and it was this:-


So how many times did you do that over the Festive Season Paxoman lol????

Just the once! I save that trick for Berlin! :lol:
im going to try and go to this with my mate, it would be our first Saxon concert the only thing is we would both be 15 at the time and i think i could get in but he looks about 10 lol well it's worth the risk
Oh yes me and my metalhead friend are traveling from sweden to see this show!!! :worship: first saxon show in 2006 for me but iam going to see them at som summer festivals and hope for some swedish tour dates

"let there be NWoBHM and there was SAXON"
thetrooper11015 said:
I'll be there with 4 or 5 Mates! Should be awesome, As It's St George's Day I'll have me George x flag and England shirt on!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :worship: :worship: :worship: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Ill be with trooper if you see us im the better looking one lol
Bosnian Witchfinder said:
awesome 'metal head 666', good to see some other 15/16 year olds beside myself

yeah i know im a little late but anyhoo, just got me tickets now should be awesome:headbang: