Anyone going to Progressive Nation tonight?

Nah...I figured I'd pass this time around.
I've seen them both so many times.

Great bands, but I'm saving to buy the Underpants Gnomes that shiny new fortress in the Carribean that they've been asking for.
The Secret Lair is just getting too small for my beloved Gnomes.
And with the market the way it is, I figure now is the time to buy.
You're all invited to the House-breaking party, but no naked-ness in the dungeon hot-tub, please.
I need new friends 'cause they all wussed out on me for this show.
Yes Amber, your refusal is an act that qualifies you for "wussiness".
I need new friends 'cause they all wussed out on me for this show.
Yes Amber, your refusal is an act that qualifies you for "wussiness".

How dare you disrespect my honor?!
Alas, have left me no choice but to unleash the fury and wrath of thy four-headed Demon Gnome.
He is armed with craptastic Metal and the 'Mexican kryptonite'....LETTUCE!
Prepare to die!
Hey my offer still stands, free entry for you if you come see it in yourself. A person's claim has more weight to it if they've live it. MAY 31st!!!

I'll be there! May have an extra ticket as well.

I'm curious to see Annette live myself.
Those were big shoes to fill and although I love the new album, I honestly think they could have made a better choice in vocalist.
Hey my offer still stands, free entry for you if you come see it in yourself. A person's claim has more weight to it if they've live it. MAY 31st!!!

The weight is measured in the fact that I have seen Nightwish live with Tarja and you know that! :p Annette cannot give that era of songs proper justice and that instantly turned me off.

I do whole-heartedly appreciate your standing offer. :)

Sorry to derail the thread guys. I'll be looking forward to your reviews...especially sound wise since I have never been to the Rosemont Theatre.
The weight is measured in the fact that I have seen Nightwish live with Tarja and you know that! :p Annette cannot give that era of songs proper justice and that instantly turned me off.

I do whole-heartedly appreciate your standing offer. :)

Sorry to derail the thread guys. I'll be looking forward to your reviews...especially sound wise since I have never been to the Rosemont Theatre.

Just giving you crap.
I would of gone to the show tonight by myself if it wasn't for he fact that the venue is all seats. I know I might run into some people that I know but I don't want to be sitting by myself.
The weight is measured in the fact that I have seen Nightwish live with Tarja and you know that! :p Annette cannot give that era of songs proper justice and that instantly turned me off.

I do whole-heartedly appreciate your standing offer. :)

Sorry to derail the thread guys. I'll be looking forward to your reviews...especially sound wise since I have never been to the Rosemont Theatre.

Just giving you crap.
I would of gone to the show tonight by myself if it wasn't for he fact that the venue is all seats. I know I might run into some people that I know but I don't want to be sitting by myself.
Just posted this review over at dream theater forums, thought I would paste it in here.

My thoughts on the evening:

First off

Venue: Although its weird to see some of this music (mostly) sitting in the balcony, the Rosemont Theater is a beautiful venue, and from where I was sitting at least, the sound was the best I've experienced all night. So the venue worked out great in my opinion. Its also a mere 10 minutes from where I live and not buried in the city.

Three: I had never heard of this band before hearing that they were announced to be on this tour. I generally like to hear some material before I see a band, so I was able to get my hands on some songs and they sounded really interesting. They 100% blew me away tonight. I made sure I got there early enough to see their entire set, and I'm ecstatic that I did. Excellent band that I will be checking out much more of. My friend and girlfriend were equally impressed. Progressive Nation made three new three fans (no pun intended) with us tonight.

BTBAM: I had heard of BTBAM before this tour, but never really gave them much of a chance. When I checked them out a long time ago I wrote them off as a generic metalcore band with somewhat annoying vocals. After hearing that I would be seeing them, I decided to pick up their new cd Colors, and I've been listening to it for the last 4 or 5 months. I've grown to really love this cd, all the vocal styles, and all the musical styles included. It's a fantastic album and I was really excited to see some of it live. They didn't disappoint. I wish I could have seen a bit more actually. I heard some people who liked them, but probably more of the older DT crowd (no offense) that couldn't get past the vocals. I understand this since I couldn't either at first. I'm not sure I could have enjoyed this set as much if I didn't know and love the songs beforehand. Anyways, I'm also a new BTBAM fan thanks to this tour.

Opeth: Opeth is right up there as one of my favorite bands, I've seen a lot of great shows by them but its been about two years since the last time I caught a show, the chronology show actually. Opeth was reallly really good. I loved the setlist choice, and Wreath was probably the highlight of my entire night. They bring great intensity and music to every show. The new stuff sounded awesome too. In conclusion, Opeth has and always will own. They sounded really good at this venue too, even though it was weird to see them here.

Dream Theater: What can I say. Dream Theater is my favorite band. I've been a fan only since around 6DOIT, but caught every DT show since then, which adds up to a good amount. That being said, I wouldn't jump out and say this was my favorite DT performance ever. For my personal tastes, the setlist wasn't my favorite. But I know every show can't cater just to me, and the setlist seemed to get a really enthusiastic response from the crowd, so I can't complain about it too much. Dream Theater is always amazing, and I'm very happy I was able to see them, especially given that I'm only in Chicago for a few weeks a year, and it was timed perfectly this time around. The new album isn't my favorite, but I've grown to like it a lot, and I enjoyed hearing the tracks live. Dream Theater put together such a stellar batch of bands to play before them, that they came dangerously close to being overshadowed IMO.

So yea, it was awesome. I loved it. Thanks to everyone that made this possible, and thank you to every single member of each band that brought it all tonight.

I was dead center in the balcony, 5th or 6th row back with an Iced Earth shirt on.

I hope everyone else had a great night too.
Sounds like you had a good time. I have heard many positive reviews about Three, I don't even know what they sound like but I've been growing curious to check em out. Someone tell me where to start.
Glad the show was kick ass!!