Anyone Have Crimson II Ripped As Whole Sections?


Apr 9, 2002
I am a relative noob when it comes to EoS. Meaning that for the longest time I only had Crimson. I've had the fucker for like 10 years, but could never find their other albums. I found Crimson II when it came out, because at that point this sort of thing was more common around here.

I hadn't heard any other album until this week. I just got The Spectral Sorrows in the mail the other day, scored in a trade for an Alice Cooper CD. Fucking sweet. And today I found a used copy of Purgatory Afterglow for $11.99. Fucking sweet as well!

I'm not a big downloader—which is why I'd never heard anything but the Crimson albums—but I don't mind MP3s and such, since I have a Creative Zen player. So I sat down to rip the four EoS CDs tonight and forgot about Crimson II's short songs. I have Death's Design ripped and it drives me fucking nuts because I like to listen to what I have ripped on shuffle, and when those songs come on I'll be all into...for 15 seconds. Then the song changes! Haha. Pisses me off.

Anyway, I figured I'd ask if anyone has the Crimson II MP3s combined into the suites, or sections, however you want to call it? I can post photos of my testicles on the Crimson II CD if you need proof that I'm a respectable, loving fan.

Or if anyone knows of a program that combines songs, that'll work (if it's a free program).
Fuck me. Would you believe CD-Ex does it and I just figured out how...what, two seconds after I posted this fucker. Haha.

Sorry about that. Feel free to delete it, whoever the mod is. Sorry!
Yeah, I used CD-Ex and it worked fine. I first did the suites, but then decided to just do the whole song. You just highlight all the songs, then click the Extract A Section Of The CD button, rename it to Crimson, and click OK. Eezy peezy. CD-Ex is free, too.

And one of my insane online friends likes to blog about these things, so you can get tips on the settings here:

The only thing I recommend is setting the Ripping Method to Paranoia, Full. The rest is up to you.

Anyway, if anyone has any EoS discs I don't have and would like to sell/trade for them, let me know.
Anyway, I figured I'd ask if anyone has the Crimson II MP3s combined into the suites, or sections, however you want to call it?
There are no sections in Crimson II, it is just one long song. The nine sections mentioned on the back of the case are just there to prevent the CD from being sold as a cheap single CD (that happened to Crimson I).
If anyone has an iPod or uses iTunes, you can Select all of the songs, right click and click Get Info, select the options tab, and then change the box for Gapless Album to Yes.