Crimson II recording

Best parts of Crimson: The intro and the ending.

I agree with many others that the growls with no music rule, from the opening second: "Another sky is young....." to "Cursed to be walking in the shadows of death"

A part I haven't seen many people name is the 37:00 -- 38:37 "We found a way into her trapping place.....he said cover her eyes, they are the root of her inhuman forces, then she's just the child you thought she was: Disconnect all her sources!" (Hopefully I didn't butcher the actual lyrics too much there, hehe)
mattcira said:
That incredibly mediocre band from Sweden "NonExist" completely ripped off this part of crimson on the track "Ivory Tower"... listen to the lead guitar part from Crimson, then listen to Ivory Tower, it is almost note for note! Although I suppose this can be taken as complimentary seeing as how bazillions of bands have "borrowed" ideas from Dan (a.k.a. Metal God). After a few listens of My Arms Your Hearse, there can be some similarities drawn between the two as well, but moreso influence and not "stealing". Why am I babbling? Dunno. Bored. Back to work!

NP: Coldplay - Spies.

hmm... odd... i listened to the 6:08 part and the Ebony Tower (there is no ivory Tower i think... and i do see similarities... but i swear it isn't note for note, and that lead part.. i swear i didn't hear at all! could you point out a time in the song Ebony Tower where that part is taken? because i can't hear it.
Bumblefoot said:
hmm... odd... i listened to the 6:08 part and the Ebony Tower (there is no ivory Tower i think... and i do see similarities... but i swear it isn't note for note, and that lead part.. i swear i didn't hear at all! could you point out a time in the song Ebony Tower where that part is taken? because i can't hear it.

Let me make sure it is even the right song... I have 2 NonExist mp3s... so it very well could be the other of the two, sorry!
ahh!! ok right i know which one you mean.... i see what you mean... though if you know Johan Reinholdz other band, Andromeda... the rhythm he uses there is sort of signature... listen to the intro to the song The Words unspoken by Andromeda. It's just sort of a thing he does. I bet he never even noticed the similarity...
I see my favorite part hasn't been mentioned yet, so I have to chime in. Actually, it's two parts, and they've been mentioned separately by two different people, but it's when they're together that you hear the magic.

First is the lead that begins at 11:07 and goes to 11:25, where it's repeated twice. On its own, it's really cool. But then at 28:31, it returns. Again its played twice, and then a third repetition begins. But surprise! On the third run the lead melody drops down and starts charting another course, this time with a less-structured and more "jam" feel to it.

From an instrumental standpoint, it totally makes the song for me, because on one hand the repetition helps tie the 40 minute song together, and on the other hand, the variation the second time through lets you know that things are changing and you're getting closer to the end. It's the "release" of the album for me, and I always go "ahhhh..." or maybe "yeah!" when it finally comes.

I just checked the lyrics around those sections, and now it makes the song even MORE complete (although this may just be random dumb luck?) At 11:25, the lead ends quickly and a new, uneasy section begins with the lyrics "And with death came disorder, who were they now to obey? / No leader, no followers. / No trust, no faith." Then at 29:13, when the lead ends with considerably more swagger, the lines are "A leader was chosen to unveil the hidden truth. / The brave ones were gathered, the strongest were sent to the queen. / Her reason to be must be known." Also I just noticed that there's a little trill on the last note of the first cycle of the second appearance of that lead that's not there in the first appearance. Another sign of renewed confidence?

Anyway, yeah, what a great song.