Crimson II recording

Hey Dan why don't you do vocals like on Sacrificed? Those aren't growls and I think they sound kick ass
Hey Dan I am gonna be in Sweden around July,won't I be invited to the sessions for Crimson 2?
Think of it as research purposes for latin america
My favourite parts are :
-6:06... "Oh does she hold the power, is she a blessing from the skies..."
-9:17... "The whole world is mourning..."
-the riff @ 11:07
-18:32...esp on from 19:00
the clean buildup to "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD"

mmmmm fuck that, I can't decide, the whole thing is great.

...remember these words and be strong. :)
Congrats on the recording work, Dan! Actually, I think the last two EoS albums that featured you had a pretty good sound, and yes, I do know the man who never sleeps produced Infernal.

The best part of Crimson, in my opinion, is the three guitar harmony part. It goes center, right, left... or maybe left right... Ah, who knows. The layered vocals towards the end are also fantastic. I also love the riff that goes around the part in the song where you meet the servant wandering the halls.

Also, can't forget that main riff in the beginning... A, Bb, Db, C, Bb, rep. It ranks up there with "Twilight" for my favorite main EoS riff.
Oh man, I cannot wait until this is released.

My favorite parts? The slow buildup to "GOD!" and the acoustic melody near the beginning. Oh hell, I just love the whole fucking thing...
O God Dan!!!!
Its terrible that you lost your growling vocal!
For me it was a paragon(i dont joking)
But wish you good luck anyway
COnsiderateApathy said:
What I call the "Sisters Of Mercy" section, starting at 6:08... "oh does she hold the power..." - that part gives me the goosebumps every time I listen to it. Fantastic. One of my favorite pieces of music of all time.

That incredibly mediocre band from Sweden "NonExist" completely ripped off this part of crimson on the track "Ivory Tower"... listen to the lead guitar part from Crimson, then listen to Ivory Tower, it is almost note for note! Although I suppose this can be taken as complimentary seeing as how bazillions of bands have "borrowed" ideas from Dan (a.k.a. Metal God). After a few listens of My Arms Your Hearse, there can be some similarities drawn between the two as well, but moreso influence and not "stealing". Why am I babbling? Dunno. Bored. Back to work!

NP: Coldplay - Spies.
mattcira said:
That incredibly mediocre band from Sweden "NonExist" completely ripped off this part of crimson on the track "Ivory Tower"... listen to the lead guitar part from Crimson, then listen to Ivory Tower, it is almost note for note! Although I suppose this can be taken as complimentary seeing as how bazillions of bands have "borrowed" ideas from Dan (a.k.a. Metal God). After a few listens of My Arms Your Hearse, there can be some similarities drawn between the two as well, but moreso influence and not "stealing". Why am I babbling? Dunno. Bored. Back to work!

NP: Coldplay - Spies.

Nonexist... is that the band fronted by one Johan Liiva, formerly of Arch Enemy?

Well, yeah, influence, "stealing," whatever. I swear I hard a similarity between some guitar noodling on Crimson right after the initial riff and a part of Nightwish's instrumental song on Oceanborn. It's all over the place. 'cept I don't think you'll find any Swanö-related influence in today's br00tal bands.
Inverness: Yeah, NonExist is Johan Liiva with Johan Reinholdz (Andromeda), and I think Defleshed's drummer is in it.

Hearse is the superior post-Arch Enemy Liiva band.. The reunion of Liiva and Max Thornell!!
Ehm, all of Crimson I is amazing IMO.. though "Another sky is young" kicks ass... mainly because I know that there are 40 minutes of amazing music following that sentence :p

Anyway Dan, I hope the growls will be cool although I doubt you will choose a "bad" growler for your next masterpiece. A pity you lost that talent... although you're "normal" vox have improved greatly, on "Alive Again" you sing better than ever before IMO!

This is AWESOME... i will point out some of my favorite parts of Crimson just because i can :p

2:10-2:34... that lead there is so nice....

3:02-4:49 i just LOVE how it goes laid back there, and the vocals are killer there!

9:10-10:35 ... love the chords and progresion here... SO cool...

11:41-12:36 love the riffs and the lead overtop... and fun odd time sig stuff, always good... and the riff following that, adore that too :D

16:09-16:44 again, the riff and lead interaction is just SO COOL there.

28:29:05- i've had DREAMS about the leads here... i dunno... they are just so pretty hehe...

32:26-33:34 LOVE it... dunno why... the echo thing is really cool... the lyrics rock there too... "Remember these words, and be strong" hehe...

38:13-38:37 dunno why i like this part... the string synth in the back (is that what that is? hehe) is cool as hell and so is the riff...

so there you have it. I'd say on general my favorite thing is the way some of the riffs and leads interact. I can't explain it much better... it's just LOVE. TEH LOVE. kthx
Damn! I was hoping for an intense technical breakdown of the recording process.

I am dreaming of: "Tracked some guitars today, we a/b'd a 57 and a Coles 4038, and ended up with the ribbon through Neve 1272. Straight into Cubase with some UAD 1176 for grit."

Ahhh, I'll keep dreaming...