Crimson II recording

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Hi everybody.:)
Just wanted to tell you all that the recording of Crimson II has begun.
Today I have been bashing out some incredible riffs and the sound of all the instruments are top-notch for a change (None of the previous EOS albums sounds good in my opinion) I will go on riffing like a maniac until the 16th when we do the final reheharsal before the 2000 Decibel show. After that weekend I will start the extensive editing and pre-mixing and expect to have master tape ready by the end of July.
I will keep you all informed and maybe even let you in on a few mp3 tasters here and there...
by the way, which is your favorite moment on Crimson 1??
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Dan that is great news!!! Hope everything goes well for you!

Thats an easy question :D "Cursed to be walking in the shadows of death for a lifetime, No more fears for what the years will bring."

That part gets me everytime :OMG:
That's excellent news Dan! :hotjump: Keep us informed, and post teasers!

As for my favourite moments on Crimson I...
-The riff @ 1:45
-The interlude with the cleans @ 3:00
-The upbeat riff @ 5:57 is one of my favourites on the album (want to hear more in this style!)
-Same goes for 11:35
-The blasbeats @14:10 :devil:
-"Is she a man made of flesh and blood, or is she the offspring of the unholy GOD!" @ 27:52
-The echoes @ 32:30
Dan, you just made my day! This is indeed awesome news!!!

Ok, now to my favourite moments on Crimson I:
There are of course plenty, but there's that one clean riff that just sends chills down my spine everytime:

First it comes after Mike's lead guitar part ("A whole world is mourning the loss of their king...").

And then again at 27 minutes (see Ormir's post): "The ones who didn't follow...".

...and of course the "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" thing afterwards. :D

Keep us informed, and we're eagerly awaiting the teeeeeeasers... :hotjump:
this is awesome news Dan!!!!!!
Crimson II will fucking rock!!

eeehm.. my favourite part in Crimson I is from 00:00 to 40:00
its simply awesome and i never get tired of listening it!!!!!

Great news Dan!

as for my favorite parts , as everyone said the "unholy GODDDDD" part is great...also the part where you say "remember these words and be strong , then it goes back to the death vox , great transition.

im also quit fond of the parts where all the instruments halt , and all you hear is the death vox (just like when you screamed "blood colored" , from pa)
I just can't point on one favorite moment.. there are so many!
bleh.. when you said that the quality will be great it's killing me! i just can't wait :D
Great news.
The above mentioned spots are great and the only one I can think off the top of my head without bringing out the album is that between "Nevermore shall they dream, nevermore." AND "The years went by under a blood-red sky, the king still suppress the rebellian lie."
Bästa partier? Det blir inte lätt, skulle vilja säga 0:00-40:00, men jag prövar ändå :)

0:38 - Gitarren i bakgrunden ger ståpäls direkt
3:09 - Sången i kombination med gitarrerna! :)
10:37 - När gitarrerna "går ihop"
19:26 - Så oerhört snyggt gjord passage
25:58 - Mörkt och elakt, så bra!
32:33 - Ger rysningar!
38:37 - Älskar rösteffekten, det passar perfekt till den biten :)
39:36 - Och cirkeln är sluten..

Och givetvis alla solon! Sen tycker jag faktiskt Crimson hade enormt bra produktion, alla instrument hörs ju hur klart som helst. En sista önskning är att du sjunger själv på skivan, både clean och growl!! :zombie:
About the growling....

I just wanted to say that I am not going to growl anything on Crimson II because it sounds like shit. I have totally lost my growling voice. I am pretty much back where I started in 1989 and everybody that has heard the first EOS demo knows how awful it sounds. Growling for me was always extremely painful and I did it only because I liked the way it sounded so much. But now it doesn't sound good anymore so I have decided to stop (I actually decided to do that years and years ago)
I think there will be enough vocal variety on Crimson 2 to satisfy you all...

Wow what a question, here goes:

The soft keyboard part 0:40-1:00 (Im always a fan of your keyboards, like the instrumentals on Panthymonium and the last song on Spectral Sorrows.
Also the soft keyboard finally at the end of the album, it was so short but left the album in such a way, like we were leaving this world you created. Very emotional ending

The harmony and speed part at around 2:10-2:15 Plus the finger twiddle on 2:18 is a nice touch
2:40 accapella death metal is always cool :)
5:00 that groove riff kicks ga gunk ga gunk!
5:30 I like odd noises on guitar
5:46-7 how is this riff made?? Three guitars??
7:46-8:20 I love everything about this, the solo and that wierd rhythm, again is that layered?
9:20-10:10 soft parts are always good
at 11:00 the three layer harmony is the best!
13:40-14:15 very oldschool rhythm
15:25-30 a classic
18:13-18:33 i will always remember this solo and the way it leaves off with that echo.
28:08 great switch from normal vocal to scream
35:40-36:28 some of your best singing I think
39:45-40:00 I like that ending as I said

Ok hope that helps, in the end it was all excellent!

Hey guys if you all like Crimson you should check out OXIPLEGATZ SIDEREAL JOURNEY, He did the same thing made a 45 minutes death metal album one song epic. Its the only album Ive ever heard that could stand up to Crimson structurally. Oxiplegatz is Alf Sevensson the guitarist from AT THE GATES and if you dont know who he is, shame on you all. :loco:
Its ok Dan we understand about the growling thing, though I do hope the guy whose replacing you is a dead ringer for your style. You had a very unique and powerful dm voice. What technique did you use to use that made it so painful?
the_dying: When Dan first announced Crimson II on here he said that Mikael Akerfeldt wouldn't be on it. If you look in the archives, there's a Crimson II lineup post that Dan made that talks about who might do vocals on it.