Anyone have the Cubase 5.5.1 updater?


462 Studio
Apr 26, 2006
Steinberg's website has been down all damn day and I'm rebuilding my DAW at this very moment and the last thing I need is the 5.5.1 updater. If someone could send me a dropbox link to it if they have - it would be epic!

Yes, I'm a fully registered owner. I just don't have the file and can't find it anywhere else.

EDIT: GAH, Finally they're back up. Thanks anyways guys!
I think this question may have been answered multiple times, but from what I've tried to find is Cubase 5's compatibility with Windows 7 64 bit

I've tried looking on here and the Cubase forums and haven't found anything in deatail, just scattered q/a's with little problems here and there with certain features/vst- that whole thing.

Found a few comments on here saying that some of the guys on here felt their system ran it's best on XP- which was kind of a bummer since I just invested close to 1200 on a new pc :ill:

I've read that the updates are slowly working out the bugs, but 32bit has less issues?

I just need to know this because I need to know if I'm going to have to get Vista or XP, but have the OS be able to utilize the i7 950 and my triple stick ram shit I got going on on my Sabertooth mb

I'm actually going to BUY Cubase 5 too- which is why I'm asking such stupid questions, being a total tard when it comes to pc compatibility AND being a broke ass kid...

Will I be okay with my system? Sorry for swooping
I run Cubase 5 on Win7x64... It´s very stable since the last bugfix (5.5.1). Be sure to buy jBridge though... The Steinberg VST bridge still crashes with a lot of plugins :ill:
On my second partition I run 7x64 with C5x64, and it's a huge mess. Constant CPU spikes and shit.
Dunno, I'm still on XP, I'll wait a little longer.

But I would go for 7x64 + C5x32, seems to run flawless for the most.
Let's see if I can finally get Ampeg SVX to work in Cubase 5 :p Very strange, as it works just fine in Reaper on the same system, but not in C5. It's in the list of installed plugins, but not visible in the plugin menu for inserts. On projects with the plugin included (SX3), it says the plugin is missing.