Anyone heard the new Yngwie CD yet?


Mar 16, 2006
Houston, TX
Come on, I know there's Yngwie fans around here, even if they just like his older stuff (as I do). Just curious of others' opinions of the CD. I don't know why I was hoping for something...well...better, given Yngwie's track record as of late. A friend of mine says he actually likes it. Personally, I think instead of "Perpetual Flame" it should be called "Perpetual Fail". Sloppy, out of time rhythm guitars, off pitch vocals, Autotune artifacts out the ying yang at times, odd/forced rhythmic phrasing, bad mixing/production, and the same old hokey lyrics.

So, I'm just curious if anyone else has heard it and what they think of it. If you like it, great. You must hear something I don't.
I haven't heard it yet, but the last few albums have had the same guitar parts as others with 50 songs per album *UTF* its a tad sad. He was a much more creative player Rising Force era imho.
I'm a fan too Dimi...but I just can't make myself like anything of his since Magnum Opus, except may a song here and there. I was hoping I'd like this CD. I'll keep listening to it to try and give it a chance, but I have a really hard time getting past things. To me, it sounds like (the same impression I got from his last several CD's) it's very rushed in the studio. Hit record, play the part. Stop. Done. Okay..what's next?

*Off topic: Dimi, a few people around work heard me playing your CD and said they're going to buy it as well. :) *
I'm a fan too Dimi...but I just can't make myself like anything of his since Magnum Opus, except may a song here and there. I was hoping I'd like this CD. I'll keep listening to it to try and give it a chance, but I have a really hard time getting past things. To me, it sounds like (the same impression I got from his last several CD's) it's very rushed in the studio. Hit record, play the part. Stop. Done. Okay..what's next?

*Off topic: Dimi, a few people around work heard me playing your CD and said they're going to buy it as well. :) *

I know what you mean. His last few albums are just variations of one song:headbang: But I still love to remember my young days when listening to his music...

PS Thanks for sharing my music with people at your work :worship:
I know what you mean. His last few albums are just variations of one song:headbang: But I still love to remember my young days when listening to his music...

PS Thanks for sharing my music with people at your work :worship:

Dimi, I think you could give Yngwie a run for his money as far as creativity and innovation these days, you really kick ass.
I'm a fan too Dimi...but I just can't make myself like anything of his since Magnum Opus, except may a song here and there.

Man, I love Magnum Opus ! I was hoping that this new album could bring back my interest for his music, and maybe give us an interesting view of Ripper Owens singin some different stuff. Bummer...

** Man... a guy who works with me just put Perpetual to play here, just when i was clicking submit reply... what an horrible sound ! And really out of pitch vocals... this just sucks!! :puke:
+1 my post if you agree about what i say, -1 if you disagree ok ?

Here we go:

We know Yngwie now, and he should do something different so i suggest @ Yngwie:

1: Cut off your hair, and keep it just above shoulder length, or take Paul Gilberts haircut.

2: Lose a lot of weight, get in a nice shape and be fit.

3: Then lose all your leather clothes, and buy some trendy jeans and some cool nice shirts. Just like Paul Gilbert!

4: You have a own style Yngwie yes, but you have been doing the same stuff over and over again since Rising Force. Your high point was with the Orchestra, that was amazing. But now i recommend you listen to Marco Sfogli or Marty Friedman.....oh no wait Yngwie.... Listen to Symphony X + Some DT or Petrucci. You can do much better Yngwie then recording the same album over and over again.

5: Lose some more weight because of your arrogance Yngwie, you didn't even read point 2, so lose some weight and get fit and in shape.

6: try to counter the harmonic minor scale as possible. It's your favorite scale i know, but it get's really effective the lesser u use it.

7: Lose some weight, and forget about your ego Yngwie, please.

8: Try to mix your drums......uhhm... Try to mix your records different. 80's reverb isnt a must anymore on the snair, listen to symphony x's paradise lost. It's far more better don't you hear it ?

9: Lose some weight you arrogant fuck :D

10: just do it, let there be a new yngwie.
+1 to most of it. Except:
Designer jeans. bleh.
I still love 80's metal drums and reverb on the snare. As long as you don't get carried away with it. :)
And, don't mix it differently...hand over the reins to someone else and let THEM engineer/mix/produce it instead of doing it yourself.

And an addition to your list:
no more poser self portraits for album covers!!!
+1 my post if you agree about what i say, -1 if you disagree ok ?


Its up to Yngwie to do what he wants to do.
Otherwise you are a sellout, a word that has lost its weight these days(Sence every single band are sellouts these days.).

And id rather have a mix completely smeared with reverb, then to have a modern day recording where there is no room or reverb on anything, at any time!
My point is: Modern records sounds like cardboard(Cant explain it in any other way.).

I do although agree that the new Yngwie stuff sucks monkeyballs, but its his music, not ours.

Forgot to mention that i think that 90% the shorthaired metalfans out there might as well be hiphopers, so no, Yngwie should absolutely NOT cut his hair! >;/
And id rather have a mix completely smeared with reverb, then to have a modern day recording where there is no room or reverb on anything, at any time!.....

EDIT: Forgot to mention that i think that 90% the shorthaired metalfans out there might as well be hiphopers, so no, Yngwie should absolutely NOT cut his hair! >;/

I knew YOU would see it my way about the reverb. ;)
The long hair comment cracked me up. :lol:
Having roughly heard the album......
The mix was terrible ....It's good for a 20year old album though....
Guitar sound is typical flubby-20-years-ago-Yngwie, some tracks have rythm guitar in only one side (i think he's done that before...way too much time since i laste listened to an Yngwie album) which is kinda lame imo, the vocals sound too narrow (seems like there's a midget Ripper standing right in front of you), guitars in some parts seem kinda loose (sync-wise)....
It seems to me guitar tracking was done in a typical arrogant Yngwie fashion.....
-everybody stfu i'm doing my thing....
-ah mr.Yngwie we might wanna track that one again....
-...god mode was stfu n00b...

@ Notuern: I know it's Yngwie his music, and ofcourse it's cool he is still doing his own thing after all these years.
Don't get me wrong, i am a huge Yngwie fan and that list was kinda a joke but...

Yngwie has been doing the same thing over and over again, and it would'nt be a bad thing to change a bit.
Not much, just a bit.
@ Notuern: I know it's Yngwie his music, and ofcourse it's cool he is still doing his own thing after all these years.
Don't get me wrong, i am a huge Yngwie fan and that list was kinda a joke but...

Yngwie has been doing the same thing over and over again, and it would'nt be a bad thing to change a bit.
Not much, just a bit.

Yeah, I got that it was a joke, but I thought it was a bit more serious then it might had actually been(Sorry if this sentence is confusing, just woke up.).

And of course I agree that Yngwie has been incredibly boring the last 10 years or so, but I still think that we shouldnt really complain that someone actually sounds just like they did when they got famous(All of my favorite bands changed their sound to something "meaner" later in their carrer.).
Still thought its sad to see all that talent "being flushed down the toilet", sence in the early days he really could compete with Bach when it came to writing.