Anyone here listen to Rhapsody?

Apr 2, 2003
Los Angeles, CA, USA
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but... meh.

Anyway, who likes Rhapsody? I think they're up there with Symphony X as the best of the neoclassical bunch. They're not as technical as the likes of SX and DT, but they're an insanely talented band.

Wooh, my first post!

Lookin' forward to your replies.
I absolutly love their sound, but damn... do they realize how lame their lyrics are?? And did anyone ever see one of their videos? People fighting with swords who have very obviously never picked one up before? I played "Symphony" for my metal-loving friends (pantera etc.) and they had to roll up the car windows for fear of others hearing it.

I tried to buy the limited edition of "Dragonflame" (and here in the U.S. there is only one store I have ever seen that carried it) and there was a chick there who had bought all 4 that the store had. She is the only other person I have ever met here in the States that even listens to them... and she was exactly what I was expecting to see. She was one of the ugliest, dorkiest chicks I have ever met. It was like she had time between D&D/Magick games and Anime festivals to crawl out of her hole and buy all 4 of their albums. I was pissed.

None the less, I still listen to them! I just don't do it where others can hear!! (and I don't consider myself a dork... but I guess that's all relative)

P.S. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm flaming... I really don't mean to... They really are dorks by any means of the word.
Rhapsody is a great band musically, but the Conan-metal lyrics are just too much. oh well...maybe now that they got that Emerald Sword Saga out of their system they can write lyrics that are a little less cheesy.
Yeah, Lione's vibratto gets on my nerves sometimes.

At least he doesn't use it as much as Tobias Sammet. I heard an Edguy song once, and I was like, "JESUS CHRIST, STOP THE FUCKING VIBRATTO ALREADY!"
I honestly tried to like them, but I don't like them.
I think they're b o r i n g

I like Adagio, tho !
Well, "gargoyles" is pretty good, but i find the music too repetitive for my sake, plus i agree that Lione should go easy on the vibratos.Some of Turillis sweeps are cool though.
rhapsody... well let's see.

1. As far as I know, the drummer isn't even able to do his own stuff, while doing a show, he has a tape for his double base (as far as I know)
2. the singer is horrible
3. if you have heared one album, you heared em all. now wait, did I say 1 album??? I ment 1 song. they are boring like hell.
4. the lyrics suck
5. the clips are funny, you are laughing your ass of, while watching them; so rediculously cheesy. so that is both a + and a -, so let's call it even.

well, that is what I think about them. conclusion; they stink!

I do listen Rhapsody. I only own Legendary Tales and Dawn of Victory.

The lyrics and image aren't meant to be taken too seriously. I really wouldn't say that Rhapsody is neo-classical. My description is "hollywood power metal".
Haven't heard the newest efforts(Rain Of A Thousand Flames&Power Of The Dragonflame) but I think that the debut(Legendary Tales) is still their best work to date.
rhapsody is great, they are different from symphony x and some people will not like them,but i think they are one of the best metal bands going, luca's new solo cd is really good
I dont like them. As a matter of fact, the only power metal band that i like is Kamelot, and i believe they are much better than Rhapsody.

I like their first album "Legendary Tales" but the others....:yuk::err:
They dont have the magic and the talent of others bands, beside i think they need to develope a new style, becouse im tired to hear always the same stuff ( dragons, swords, knigts etc).
Hah... rhapsody... i have to say i like em, though the lyrics are bad!! (I don't care if they are serious or not, bad bad bad!!!!!!!!!!) As for Fabio's voice, it's the music man... if you listen to the song off of the flight of the migrator by ayreon, his voice is killer.