Anyone staying at the Fairfield?

Me & the hubby will be at the Fairfield also- hard to miss me since I'm blonde and look exactly like my avatar. Maybe we should make name tags with our forum names???
am_ash2 said:
Me & the hubby will be at the Fairfield also- hard to miss me since I'm blonde and look exactly like my avatar. Maybe we should make name tags with our forum names???

We're going to be at The Courtyard which i think is close. My friend who is the new drummer for Into Eternity will be at Fairfield too I believe so with both you guys and him there, we'll be partying it up heavily! See you soon~
Me, the crazy Dane known as Steen from, Noah and Jonah are gonna metal up the Fairfield.

About the SN thing, hahha I felt like such a wiener at PP III and IV going around "Hey do you post on UM?" to like everyone I met hahah.

Ill be the guy everyone thinks is a huge metal Indian but Im really Asian Steel (oh man that was weaker than Dolph Lundgreen)

Looking forward to hoisting a cold one with you, Ben...I hoped to shake a hand and buy a beer at the Iced Earth show in Austin, but missed you...big fan of Metal Reviews and really value the input your site has into the metal community... crazy Texans gotta stick together...and I always carry my token Mexican for protection (if my wife heard that, I'm dead-meat!)

Alright...enough fan-boy gushing...

Rock on!
Oh! oh! me! me! My husband and I are also staying at the Fairfield, for our (holy cow) 4th straight year.

I think the serious question that needs to be asked...who's got the rooms with the hot tubs...?

Toga! Toga! Toga!

There's limitless possibilities...haha!

Rock on!
Evergrey said:
We're going to be at The Courtyard which i think is close. My friend who is the new drummer for Into Eternity will be at Fairfield too I believe so with both you guys and him there, we'll be partying it up heavily! See you soon~
You'll see me!
By the way, have a nice weekend. Oh yeah, you will because YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!!
Have fun in Jamaica!
Layla's Dad said:
I noticed a thread about the Granada and who's staying there and such. Who is staying at the Fairfield?
hello legions of prog metal fans , the time is growing near 2 weeks we will be progged out right , well if anyone remembers last year during brainstorm during intermission song being played i was upstairs going nuts and lip syn. to the song , thats me randy ,i am from houston tx , and i will be there along with my good friends marc and larry , WE WILL BE AT THE FAIRFIELD INN ,we drive in on thurs afternoon , soooooooo it will be great to meet all of you on the forum , i will be wearing silver and black DT t shirt meta 2000 look for me , and the lobby will be buzzing with all legions all over usa and world ,can t wait , and i will see you all at the pre party as well , and friday nite after SAVATAGE me and my friends at the fairfield inn will have gathering of prog fans up by our room and in our room , its b y o b so bring what ya want , if any 1 has a suite maybe we could have WELCOME TO PROG FAIRFIELD FORUM PARTY ???? just idea , see ya you all soon
PROG randy TX

when everything out of my mind
out of what was left behind i would have liked to say i know cause no one has the highssssssss without lowssssssssssssssssssssssss
ThXinc said:
You think we should wander around with FORUM name tags???!!! LOL!! :) I remember last year, everyone was introducing themselves, NOT as their REAL names, but as their Forum name!! LOL!

Oh, yes, if I havn't posted here already. Myself is included as well.

I actually go by my forum name outside of the internet. (It's an old college nickname from 7 years ago and it stuck) :) I think at the Meet and Greet there are going to be name tags, I'll probally wear mine all weekend.... so if you see me SAY HI!

I don't know if I'm up for a toga party, but my coconut bra is packed and ready to join in the fun....

MetalRose said:
I don't know if I'm up for a toga party, but my coconut bra is packed and ready to join in the fun....

In my best British accent...

"You've got two coconuts, and you're banging them together..."

Sorry...couldn't resist...

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:
In my best British accent...

"You've got two coconuts, and you're banging them together..."

Sorry...couldn't resist...

Rock on!

Guard: Where'd you get the coconuts?
Arthur: We found them.
Guard: Found them? In Mercia? The coconut's tropical!
Arthur: What do you mean?
Guard: This is a temperate zone!
Arthur:The swallow may fly south with the sun, or the house maarten or the
plummer may seek warmer climes in winter, but these are not strangers
to our land!
Guard: Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?
Arthur: Not at all! They could be carried.
Guard: What, a swallow, carrying a coconut?
Arthur: It could grip it by the husk!
Guard: It's not a question of where 'e grips it! It's a simple question of
weight ratios! A five-ounce bird could not carry a one-pound

I love that of my favorites.
TheWhisper said:
Guard: Where'd you get the coconuts?
Arthur: We found them.
Guard: Found them? In Mercia? The coconut's tropical!
Arthur: What do you mean?
Guard: This is a temperate zone!
Arthur:The swallow may fly south with the sun, or the house maarten or the
plummer may seek warmer climes in winter, but these are not strangers
to our land!
Guard: Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?
Arthur: Not at all! They could be carried.
Guard: What, a swallow, carrying a coconut?
Arthur: It could grip it by the husk!
Guard: It's not a question of where 'e grips it! It's a simple question of
weight ratios! A five-ounce bird could not carry a one-pound

I love that of my favorites.
Bravo! Very funny!

(and also kinda sad...but I completely understand...)

Just kidding...

Rock on!
My boyfriend & I will be at the Fairfield this year! We have another roommate lined up but it would be awesome to have a 4th. If anyone needs a spot to stay, let us know! There are only 2 queen beds though, so we might have to work out a deal.

I'm so happy to be staying at one of The Big Two hotels. I've stayed with someone else just outside of town for the past two years and it was always a bummer to not hang out after the show because we had to drive so far to get home. It'll be a better time this year for sure!

Tammy Z
Yo Prog Randy!

HahhaI remember you dude, hell my friend picked up Soul Temptation the other day and I had to tell him about your karoake. Im the Asian guy everyone thinks is Indian, I met you at the Fairfield and you said your friend went to me and my bud's metal store here in Midland a long time ago.

I wonder how insane that dudes gonna go when Brainstorm actually plays the song, ha!
