Anyone Still Fans Of Queensryche

I'm a huge fan of the older QR stuff, but I also like the new album alot. I think "American Soldier" stands up fine next to the other QR masterpieces...
I don't know any other band with a stretch as strong as their first five albums, and Promised Land is just about my favorite album ever. Love the band on the strengths of those albums, but they've had absolutely nothing remotely on par with their worst pre-Frontier albums since then. :(
I'll take Q2K over OMCII anyday, that was sad and should never have been done, they need a more creative guitar man, there just isnt much in the songs anymore to grab hold of you.
I'll take Q2K over OMCII anyday, that was sad and should never have been done, they need a more creative guitar man, there just isnt much in the songs anymore to grab hold of you.

i agree. OMCII was a cash grab to help boost the bands popularity again by releasing a sequel to a great album. there are only about 4-5 really good tunes on OMCII and maybe 1-2 tunes that i listen to every now ana gain but overall it was lame. the music starts getting good towards the end of the album but you have to sit through the rest of it.
I dont know if it was a money grab, I think it had potential they just did not have the music to get the job done. I need to listen to it some more, I only played it a handful of times and it just didnt hit the spot and that wasnt due to any expectation regarding MC it just didnt have much going on and makes me wonder just how important DeGramo was to the band.
I dont know if it was a money grab, I think it had potential they just did not have the music to get the job done. I need to listen to it some more, I only played it a handful of times and it just didnt hit the spot and that wasnt due to any expectation regarding MC it just didnt have much going on and makes me wonder just how important DeGramo was to the band.

well degarmo wrote most of the music to HITNF and very few people like that album. i like it though. its much more complex than it appears. everytime i listen to it i hear something i didn't hear before
I quite liked OM2 and still break it out a few times a year. The boring production values and being 4 songs too long kinda killed it. Murderer was such an awesome track, as was The Hands and a few others were really good. I just wish they had Peter Collins producing and Jimbo at the mixing desk again.

I don't know if you'd call it a guilty please (I always hate that term because it implies you ought to feel bad for liking something) but I absolutely love Tribe. It's possibly my favorite post-PLand release. The time when it came out corresponds so perfectly to my own life and the message from the album just really hit home. Must have listened to it 20+ times over the span of a few months.
I dont have those, I go clear from Promised Land to Q2K, then II, then covers, thats it, but I have all from EP to Empire... still have not heard the new one. Theres is two CD's I need to buy and thats American Soldier and what ever the recent Uriah Heep release was. Its just not my year for throwing ANY money around. Its been a PB'nJ year for sure.
well degarmo wrote most of the music to HITNF and very few people like that album. i like it though. its much more complex than it appears. everytime i listen to it i hear something i didn't hear before

I actually love HITNF. Not as much as anything before it, but certainly more than anything after it. I miss DeGarmo big time, and continue to like only about 50% of each release since...

The first 3 albums are all in my top 5 ever.

Hawk, I've never had a problem with the production on the The Warning, but I too have always worshipped Live in Tokyo. I saw them open for Maiden in January 1985 and that is the closest thing I have to that show.