The main riff to "I Don't Believe In Love" makes frequent appearances on my mental jukebox, still to this day. Such a fucking brilliant album. Nothing else they have created comes close to touching O:M
How would you say there new stuff sounds compared to the older stuff?
I connected with the lyrics and moods of the songs immeadiately at that time. First time I heard him sing... Dont slam the door... our your way out ... I was stunned and then the following lines and phrases kicked the first two phrases butt, building and building, musical excellence !
I too think the "doesnt come close" is a bit overstated, astonishing recording that OMC is.
A fair amount of people are still partial to The Warning... I might be one of them.
thanks for spelling pinnacle right... lol. I have serious brainfarts when it comes to spelling
I'll figure you said it as a compliment, it is one awesome recording and concept. But there is alot of other great Queensryche material out there. I put Child of Fire and We Will Remember right up there with Road to Madness.
Well I kind of lost the 80's hair band thing when I realized they were all a bunch of wankers. Fuck I was 13 when I loved the 80's bands. Queensryche was great I saw them play in Edmonton, Canada when I was 16 or so. The singer did the whole basketball dunk thing like from the video for empire, and well lets just say that was the end of CHEESE for me.:Smug:
since when was queensryche a hair band? they've been called prog metal since day 1
Umm no...the term "progressive" wasn't even used together with metal at that timeframe.
The first time I heard those terms put together was in relation to Fates Warning...and then QR.
Just for the sake of conversation the first time I saw (or recall) a band dimmed progressive metal was on Helloween KOSTK-2, it was on the label stuck to the cover of the vinyl I bought (damn I wish still has it to take a pic).
I think nobody was seriously into the tag neurosis until Dream Theater hitted notoriously and then everybody was doing revisionism all the way back to Rush![]()