Anyone Still Fans Of Queensryche

If we are talking about Queensryche like bands we can not forget Keith Menser's band Mystic Force. They have released quite a few albums but the one I want to talk about is Man vs. Machine.

The vocalist on this album is William Wren. And he sounds like a perfect aggressive Tate. The album is loaded with very strong songs and I can recommend it to anyone who is looking for a Queensryche like band with a more aggressive sound.

Check out the title track "Man vs. Machine" on their myspace:

WOW! This is indeed a classic QR sound-alike.....very cool.
Reminds me of "The Warning" (album). thanks!

Actually it was meant as a reference to another band...


This is pretty damn good too. When the music is done playing Im going to check their site and look for discography. To me this kind of makes some of Dream Theaters later work pointless to bother with. I get some Kamelot vib at times too. Im also thinking I enjoy this more than Circus Maximus. Obscure bands like these remind of just how fickle the industry is.
You know, I checked out Mystic Force years ago and they never clicked. After a quick listen, they're not bad at all! The vocalist sounds uncanny to the singer from Sanvoisen. In fact, Man Vs. Machine is basically a Sanvoisen track! :)

BTW, Queensryche fans, Sanvoisen is a must check out!