See the thing is that OMC was so awesome that once it was released, no other album they released couldnt compare.
Thats a good point, it was Dream Theater that kicked the bucket over. But I didnt need to do any revisionism, I had already been there, waiting and waiting, twas like a dream come true.
I only recall people calling stuff like Keeper and OMC concept albums. Im not even sure if Helloween was called "power metal" at that time ? Word and terms spred slower though.
Oh come on, Hair bands fuckin rock dude, just a matter of what volume you play that shit at.Well I kind of lost the 80's hair band thing when I realized they were all a bunch of wankers. Fuck I was 13 when I loved the 80's bands. Queensryche was great I saw them play in Edmonton, Canada when I was 16 or so. The singer did the whole basketball dunk thing like from the video for empire, and well lets just say that was the end of CHEESE for me.:Smug:
See the thing is that OMC was so awesome that once it was released, no other album they released couldnt compare.
Power metal is one of the most terrible tags coined in sub-genres. When I first heard about it was applied to Helloween and even many claim they were the godfathers of it. Now you have people talking about Euro power, American power, prog power, and ranging bands from Metal Church to Freedom Call, early Pretty Maids and Ostrogoth to Nevermore and Alestorm.
Ask anyone what Blind Guardian was in "Battalions of Fear" and then in "A Night At The Opera" and see what will you end with :Smug: (or Fates Warning debut vs FWX).
My point is forget about tags, if somebody ask you about this band sounds like?..., either pick the band closer to it in sound as description, or simply pass the music to the person and let itself decide.
Hey guys if we keep going backwards we're gonna end with Elvis![]()
Hey guys if we keep going backwards we're gonna end with Elvis![]()
Hey guys if we keep going backwards we're gonna end with Elvis![]()
Truth be told, I wasn't all that impressed with Hittman. Not bad, but they're one of a number of QR clones that just didn't have "it". Zion's Abyss is another. Both singers tried to be Tate, but Tate is one of a few elite singers with that kind of power in their falsetto. Lethal's Programmed is a great album. Recon, Sacred Warrior and Siam all did damn fine Queensryche imitations - and the latter band's album Prayer just may be my favorite album ever. Tony Mills comes pretty damn close in terms of Geoff Tate sound-a-likes. Try the song New Age Warning or The Search:
Hey thanks for the Siam heads up..going to check them out a bit more.
Lethal's programmed also had a lot of that Lizzy Borden vocal style too. A Tate/Borden combination can only be a good thing.
I like that, more aggressive and still tasteful