Anyone waiting for Half Life Episode 3


Oct 17, 2007
Petoskey, Michigan
the series is definitely one of the best of all time in my book (along with metal gear solid and zelda lol) just wish valve would give us some idea of when its coming!
Im dying to play this game,
but i don't mind waiting for it to be perfected before release.

there is surely even more treasure and anticipation for this instalment than for any previous games in the series.

As for graphics, no doubt Valve have been stepping up in that department over the past few years, as seen in L4D.
The Source engine is designed to be scalable like that, and to provide for graphical developments as time moves on.

I reckon the main thing holding it up is fine tuning the script and quality control.
Said this before in a couple of previous video game topics
Valve were planning on doing an episode 3 reveal at the end of 09 but it never came to fruition. From a few interviews with certain sites they've been dropping hints that it's something worth getting very excited about. Seems like they've got a fair bit of work done on it as well, from yet more cryptic hints. But that's all we've had so far, cryptic hints.

but yeah id rather wait for them to make it perfect. another excuse to replay the half life series to refresh my memory is always welcome.
Well.. depends.
If they release it based on the ancient, dusty old Source engine, then i wont buy it.
If they release it based on a new almighty epic engine, then yes!

(I thought Episode 2 was greatly over priced considering the old technology it used.)

As Gareth already said, it seems that it will be something VERY special though.. i will just have to wait and see i guess(Unless they go DNF on our asses.)! ;)
Well.. depends.
If they release it based on the ancient, dusty old Source engine, then i wont buy it.
If they release it based on a new almighty epic engine, then yes!

(I thought Episode 2 was greatly over priced considering the old technology it used.)

As Gareth already said, it seems that it will be something VERY special though.. i will just have to wait and see i guess(Unless they go DNF on our asses.)! ;)

They've done alterations here and there, and Episode 2 is definitely the hardest for my computer of them all. Due to my PC's restrictions I can't see how the game would look with all the nice things on but it looks good enough for me even in the minimal craphic(no pun intented) settings.

There won't be a new engine for E3, I fail to see how that would make any sense.
i personally think half life 2 looks better than 90% of games for the quality of art direction.
i personally think half life 2 looks better than 90% of games for the quality of art direction.


Plus....the graphics are only a small part of what makes HL2 an awesome game.

Word and word, plus, the Source engine still has better motion blur and real-time lighting than a lot of current games IME, which count for a lot with me cuz they heighten the realism factor, whereas I always thought the Modern Warfare games, for example, despite their solid textures and high frame rates, always looked too slick and "fake", because there's zero motion blur and not much real-time lighting or anything else like that (just a depth of field focus effect, better than nothing I guess), so it still feels just so much more like a video game to me than many others - the 60 fps rate I think actually really exacerbates that as well, cuz I find games closer to 30 fps actually look more realistic to me, probably because that's closer to film/movie/TV frame rates and so things don't look so artificially smooth - but then again, that 60 fps rate may not look too convincing, but it does make MW1 and especially 2 by far the smoothest controlling games I've ever played! :headbang: Sorry, random tangent :D

And yeah, can't wait for Ep 3, even if it looks identical to the others!
did any of you see the link i posted in other HL2 thread(Marcus started).. some company started doing HL2 but in a series, with there own spin off? then valve bought it out.. and they were going to release episodes and shit? did they get round to doing it or not?