Half-Life 2 - goddamn

By the time I did the Steam and game update, you had gone. Not that I am any good at it, but I would have had a run around.

jhawke, I don't remember if I shat or not. I don't remember the names of the different parts/places.

Ah dude! Next time you're around just drop us a pm, im not sure what sort of pings we'd get and whether it would be playable. See if we can find a server in India or something then we'd both be about right :lol:
Should I decide to play the original Half-Life again on PC, how would I go about getting the hi-res texture pack? Is the only way by buying Blue Shift?
playing shooters without a mouse is for pussies lol ;)
maybe you're so talented that you can frag people with a controller... but, I'm sorry, I doubt it, all pro gameres use a mouse lol
just try to have a death match with our Kev.... he will frag your ass if you play with an xbox controller lol .. he uses a mouse well he's on pc ;)
if you gotta kill, do it with a mouse
Yep, good shit although I wished they'd push the writing even further.

On a side note I'm not a hardcore gamer but I just bought GTA IV and Far Cry 2... Yes, I'm bored lately.

Add to them ArmA2 and you will be in heaven.
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playing shooters without a mouse is for pussies lol ;)
maybe you're so talented that you can frag people with a controller... but, I'm sorry, I doubt it, all pro gameres use a mouse lol
just try to have a death match with our Kev.... he will frag your ass if you play with an xbox controller lol .. he uses a mouse well he's on pc ;)
if you gotta kill, do it with a mouse

Mauri, the fundamental flaw in your argument is you assume I give a shit :D As far as I'm concerned, video games are strictly a relaxation method and pure indulgence, so I stick with the method that makes me the most relaxed and comfortable!
Well that was a pretty long post for only kidding, but even if you were, there are tons of people who would say that seriously! "Pro-gamers," give me a break :rolleyes:
Well that was a pretty long post for only kidding, but even if you were, there are tons of people who would say that seriously! "Pro-gamers," give me a break :rolleyes:


Half-Life 2 is hands down the best FPS single player I have ever played. the only complaint I have with the series is that the see-saw puzzles with the gravity gun did get a little tedious. I'm am disappointed that Episode 3 didn't make it to this year's E3. Apparently Gabe Newell missed the memo that games released in an episodic manner are usually released in shorter intervals but I forgive them because it's Valve.
Half-Life 2 is hands down the best FPS single player I have ever played. the only complaint I have with the series is that the see-saw puzzles with the gravity gun did get a little tedious. I'm am disappointed that Episode 3 didn't make it to this year's E3. Apparently Gabe Newell missed the memo that games released in an episodic manner are usually released in shorter intervals but I forgive them because it's Valve.

About them not getting in to E3 with E3(Ehehuhe!), well, whats the point, really?
Its the same game with new levels.. and its already outdated when it comes to physics, graphics and AI. :erk:

Dont get me wrong, im sure Episode 3 will be a great game, but its really nothing that needs to be shown at E3.
If you have played HL2, you know what Episode 3 will look like and what it will have to offer game play wise.
About them not getting in to E3 with E3(Ehehuhe!), well, whats the point, really?
Its the same game with new levels.. and its already outdated when it comes to physics, graphics and AI. :erk:

Dont get me wrong, im sure Episode 3 will be a great game, but its really nothing that needs to be shown at E3.
If you have played HL2, you know what Episode 3 will look like and what it will have to offer game play wise.

It'll have some pretty significant engine changes though. Pretty much every game that Valve releases improves upon the source engine somehow. I betcha they're planning a big change for it with Ep. 3, which is why it's taking longer than expected.
About them not getting in to E3 with E3(Ehehuhe!), well, whats the point, really?
Its the same game with new levels.. and its already outdated when it comes to physics, graphics and AI. :erk:

Dont get me wrong, im sure Episode 3 will be a great game, but its really nothing that needs to be shown at E3.
If you have played HL2, you know what Episode 3 will look like and what it will have to offer game play wise.

Honestly, even though I only played Half Life 2 now, I still think the physics definitely (and the graphics somewhat) hold up - I can't think of any other game I've played where things all actually seemed to have different masses, rather than corpses behaving like they're made of balloons (see Gears of War's Berserkers), for example.
About them not getting in to E3 with E3(Ehehuhe!), well, whats the point, really?
Its the same game with new levels.. and its already outdated when it comes to physics, graphics and AI. :erk:

Dont get me wrong, im sure Episode 3 will be a great game, but its really nothing that needs to be shown at E3.
If you have played HL2, you know what Episode 3 will look like and what it will have to offer game play wise.

No, I don't know what to expect from Ep 3 since I didn't expect what was in the last 2. The Source engine was built to be highly optimizable. This is why Left 4 Dead can be compared to games today. I highly doubt anything will be outdated, especially A.I. The A.I. director is pretty revolutionary in Left 4 Dead and it was built on the same engine Half-Life 2 was. I really don't expect anything less than awesome from Valve.
It's not that once you have written some engine you can't improve it ..... they're doing it all the time.
Half life 2 differs from half life episode 2
To me valve has always released great AI engine, maybe there's better stuff out there, but I think they're doing it definetely well.
To reply to everyone: Of course they have improved the previous engine, but im really skeptical to how much they can improve that engine with out rewriting it from scratch.
Im very familiar with the way valve builds their engines and developers tools, since i used to be a pretty good leveldesigner for HL and somewhat for HL2.

As for Left 4 Dead keeping up with modern games, thats just not true.. it does not look as good as Crysis or Unreal 3, and its not long now until the next generation of graphics engine comes out.. which means that by the time that Episode 3 is released, its still 3 generations old.
The AI in Left 4 Dead is still the same as in HL2, with the difference that they implemented a director, which makes it more dynamic in the ways how they act, but not how they interact with the world or how they use teamwork etc.
Also, Left 4 Dead still doesn't support parallax mapping, they still use normal mapping.. which is just wrong.

Oh, and about the physics.. i didnt really think it is that good by todays measures.
It had horrible ragdolls and when a box fell of another box it looked really awkward, sure, it was cool for its time, but damn.. check out any other modern game that uses PhysX, where cloth can be shredded dynamically, and if characters die in a stair, it actually looks like their falling down the stair, not like they are having some sort of seizure! ;)
Hahaha, well there are still a lot of current games with people having seizures (Dead Space with all those dismembered limbs, oh man :lol: ) What recent game has had shreddable cloth dude? (and please don't say MK vs DC, cuz that's obviously just pre-scripted)
Dead Space with all those dismembered limbs, oh man

This was brutal as fuck :lol: I played it through..and each time we found some power nodes, we sang..."Power nodes, power nodes".. same melody like Homer Simpson´s "spider pig, spider pig" :D This was perfect on a HD beamer with 6.1 DD....what a great game!!!

edit: to topic...

I also played HL2 Orange Box, but I never finished it...I still know, I enjoyed swimming with this boats around, that was fun. But this strange wormcocks annoyed me to death!!!