Apparently.... Opeth is black metal.

all_sins_undone said:
who are these new dimmu kids anyways

Well said. This garbage bin of a forum is infested with Dimmu chipmunks who think they know what Black Metal sounds like because of filling their ears with ProTool crap... go listen to some Clandestine Blaze and tell me it sounds like Forest of October LOL
There is Black Metal, Death Metal, Melo-Death, Symphonic Metal, Grind-Core, Metal-Core, and countless other sub-genres. Sometimes the difference between these genres is as simple as whether the singer is attempting to sound like Cookie Monster, or to sound like he's dying in a fire. Other times it's as simple as down-tuning a guitar or adding synths. Dimmu sounds (and looks) similar to, say, Immortal, but uses keyboards.

Bottom line, all these sub-genres are mostly an excuse for metal snob elitists to seem smart at parties and on the Internet. And as we all know, the Internets is just a series of tubes, so it doesn't matter.
Sub-genres are to help better organise it. It would suck if it was all just "metal." Someone would ask what a good metal band would be, wanting something like Dark Tranquility, and people would tel him to get Rhapsody and Death.

Sub-genres are important. Just like everythign else in the world is organised. Food, art, literature, etc.
Sure, sub-genres are terrific for organizing. But it gets really, I dunno, academic when people bitch about, "well this band is metal-core so they suck". It's bullshitting, faggotry, and textual masturbation at its highest and most crass form.

Opeth is a prime example. They are a band who is, if one really studies this sort of bull-shit, a progressive melodic death metal band. However people still want to fuck around and call them black metal, except that Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are also considered by some to be black metal and Opeth is as similar to them as a Suzuki Hayabusa is to a bowl of egg flower soup. Then somebody comes along and says "no you n00b Opeth are blah blah blah this sub-genre" and suck their own cock about how much they know about rock and/or roll.

I think, somehow, Opeth doesn't care if they're melo-death or progressive folk or whatever you chronic mind-wanks consider them to be. They just play music.
RDreamer said:
They are a band who is, if one really studies this sort of bull-shit, a progressive melodic death metal band. However people still want to fuck around and call them black metal, except that Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir are also considered by some to be black metal and Opeth is as similar to them as a Suzuki Hayabusa is to a bowl of egg flower soup.

One of the first posts in this thread written by someone with a brain. Thank god.

i aint play this said:
I like Demon Burguer(the first album) a lot, they are very cheesy and forced but i enjoy some of their stuff.

LOL - I *love* how they have the nickname of Demon Burger. :lol:
In Poland we call them 'Dumny Burger' which means 'Proud burger'... I've also heard people calling Mayhem Miami :lol:
Progressive Battlecore? LMAO, that's classic. It actually brings to mind Turisas, which I don't know if it's Progressive but it certainly is Battle-metal.

As far as I know, Opeth doesn't write about battles. They write about ghosts and Homer and forests and drowning women and shit.

And thanks Hubster, it's nice to be told every now and then that I do, in fact, have a brain. I shall continue to share my considerable wisdom with all of you in the future.
battle metal doesn't exist period what the fuck is wrong with people

it's a ploy by the band to get retarded metal noob nerds to get into the band with the same fervor with which they play dungeons and dragons
i once heard opeth refered to as "pirarte metal" :lol:

and I lafed and fuking lafed

really doest it fuking matter what "genre" (OMFGLFMAOISMLN) they are?

i fuking hate fuking genres opeth kicks as becuz they fuking kik ass

black, doom, death, grey, shit colored, WTF people




Drink S'more:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: