Apparently.... Opeth is black metal.

I have listened to tons of death metal, and tons of black metal and the differences are so small that it is absolutely ridiculous that these two are distinguished between
demonofthefall6469 said:
I have listened to tons of death metal, and tons of black metal and the differences are so small that it is absolutely ridiculous that these two are distinguished between


ive driven pickup trucks and motorcycles, and i couldnt tell the difference between the two.
demonofthefall6469 said:
I have listened to tons of death metal, and tons of black metal and the differences are so small that it is absolutely ridiculous that these two are distinguished between
Do you actually like extreme metal? Listen to Altars of Madness and then In the Nightside Eclipse and say they are similar.
The Hubster said:
You consider Wikipedia a reliable source? How about you justify by using your own observations how Opeth is apparently BM? Give some BM references and your opinion can be taken more seriously. Otherwise, as you clearly know nothing about BM, so I would suggest you go and listen to some, take it in, and then think about how pathetic such a proposed correlation really is.

Anyone with a brain knows that the first two albums were CLEARLY Gothenburg. The rest of the discography speaks for itself.

Well said, and I agree 100%.

Alright well in my opinion Opeth is like a progressive metal band crossed with death & black metal. Some songs are leaning more to being black metal & some are more death metal. But either way Opeth is just metal with pink floyd influences.
The Hubster said:
Great comments all :kickass:

Yes! I know of Virgin Black, but sadly I have never had a chance to hear their work yet. They were to perform here in Sydney in September, but pulled out. Spewing about that!

Venom! \m/ - NFU I didnt know you liked em too... I love Venom. For me, Venom and Bathory (mostly the proto-Black Metal material of the first 2 albums) go hand in hand with Venom. Venom's latest offering, "Metal Black" is a great album if anyone wants to check them out.

Powers, it took me some time to get into Black Metal myself. Initially I was a fan of thrash, NWOBHM, doom and death metal. I had real issues with the production factors of Black Metal, but what really made it click for me and turned me into a big lover of the style is the understanding of why it is the way it is. The ideas the musicians have and their reasons as well aided my comprehension of the characteristics of Black Metal a lot.

I find that listening to Black Metal with a non-Metal mindset (or a "dark aggressive music" mindset) helps. Black Metal is very much anti-Metal, and thats something which must be kept in mind when getting used to it.

The musicians are expressing themselves in a very non-conventional way from a metal context, and the simplest way that's given away is by their shrieks for example: they are a complete contrast to the low growls of Death Metal and Doom... so right there, you have an instant characteristic of rebellion against "established Metal".

It may work in different ways for other people, but I found this period of comprehending to help a lot. Recognising those characteristic is important when you're getting into this kind of Metal imo.

I've been "into" it for nigh on two years, or at least some bands, there's just some I can't get away with, mostly the early Black Metal bands like Mayhem, it's just too raw.
You know, it might have been The Amen Corner that Mike said was black metal. Either that or Karma. Hm, or maybe April Ethereal. Definitely one of these fine MAYH songs.
Stormwatch said:
Listen to Darkthrone, Mayhem or even Marduk. Do Opeth sound like that? No.
Now listen to Death, Vader or Deicide. Do Opeth sound like that? No.

So call them progressive if you like - but they ain't black or death metal. They sound nothing like black or death metal bands.

yeah bout time someone got it right