apTrigga vs Drumagog vs ???

iLok is great.
deal with it.
Thanks but I dont want to support it.

I own legit copies of Revalver, reaper, reaktor, Ultra Analog, SSD, JS etc., none of them use this :Puke: ilok.

I dont want to spend 84 U$S (thats what an Ilok cost in my country) to demo an app. Doesnt sound logic to me.
I've been using Toontrack's Drumtracker exclusively, but thats because I have the time to do everything manually. If I trusted real-time triggering, I'd go with that new Trigger plugin or something like that, but despite its numerous bugs, Drumtracker wins for me.
Thanks but I dont want to support it.

I own legit copies of Revalver, reaper, reaktor, Ultra Analog, SSD, JS etc., none of them use this :Puke: ilok.

I dont want to spend 84 U (thats what an Ilok cost in my country) to demo an app. Doesnt sound logic to me.

Admiteddly that's a pretty steep price for an Ilok. Though I'd rather use an Ilok than fuck about with serial numbers, activation codes etc etc. Especially If I have to move over to a new computer.
Thanks but I dont want to support it.

I own legit copies of Revalver, reaper, reaktor, Ultra Analog, SSD, JS etc., none of them use this :Puke: ilok.

I dont want to spend 84 U (thats what an Ilok cost in my country) to demo an app. Doesnt sound logic to me.

Move to a country that doesn't suck? Tired old argument, again, it's worth having it. You are seriously overusing the barf guy... get over it already.

I've been using Toontrack's Drumtracker exclusively, but thats because I have the time to do everything manually. If I trusted real-time triggering, I'd go with that new Trigger plugin or something like that, but despite its numerous bugs, Drumtracker wins for me.

Yeah, I love wasting lots of time too :goggly: Can't wait to not have to use DrumTracker any more.

guitarguru777 said:
006 if i hate it I am coming after you ...lol

I will gladly surrender my address if it comes to that :lol:
Move to a country that doesn't suck? Tired old argument, again, it's worth having it. You are seriously overusing the barf guy... get over it already.

** yawn **

Trigger rocks for sure... ilok sucks for sure. If you like it thats ok.
I dont.
Thanks but I dont want to support it.

I own legit copies of Revalver, reaper, reaktor, Ultra Analog, SSD, JS etc., none of them use this :Puke: ilok.

I dont want to spend 84 U (thats what an Ilok cost in my country) to demo an app. Doesnt sound logic to me.

Well it's not like you'd have to pay $84 more than once; maybe just suck it up, buy it, and then use awesome plugins to your heart's content? :D
** yawn **

Trigger rocks for sure... ilok sucks for sure. If you like it thats ok.
I dont.

seriously! where the hell do you live!
ask one of the nice people here.
we could buy one and post it to you.
If it means you'll stop moaning
Yeah, I love wasting lots of time too :goggly: Can't wait to not have to use DrumTracker any more.
I hear you man, but really if I'm personally invested in something I'm mixing (as opposed to just triggering some dude's quantized fart drums) I kinda don't see any way around at least going through a few passes of the snare hits one by one to make sure everything fits the feel of the song and the original intent of the drummer. I could do that in Logic or Pro Tools, but the shortcuts in Drumtracker work fairly well for getting it done without a huge headache.

But I'll be damned if it doesn't have some stupid bugs and crashes that really shouldn't exist in a product thats been out for that long.
seriously! where the hell do you live!
ask one of the nice people here.
we could buy one and post it to you.
If it means you'll stop moaning

Ok guys, thanks for the replies :P.
Seriously I dont wanna be a "moaner" or a "barfing guy". I'll try to explain. I think Ilok is really useful in scenarios when you need to move from one machine to another, you can take your licences with yourself wherever you go, and that freedom has no price, one GREAT Ilok point.

But thats not my case, I work only in one place with one PC, and all my other soft I own doesnt use it. I guess that Im not the only one that feel this way.
Also, I live in Argentina, 4 pesos = 1 dollar, so everything is 4 times expensive, imagine an Ilok that costs 320$, thats my case (thats not moaning its a fact!! :P ). Here you need to do a little more planning when you buy soft.

btw, what I'm really curious about Ilok its that they claim that they protect you from piracy because its the most secure licencing system, but the most cracked plugs are the ilok ones!! (Sonnox, Waves, etc). Two days ago I bought Guitar pro 6 ( Its an investment, but I use it all the time to jam and practice and the new version rocks ), I downloaded the demo, just an online activation and update, and thats it, you have it!

Peace and sorry for the OT, but ilok su...!!!!
just kidding ;)