Arabic metal music?

thier neqwer stuff is goth, their older stuff was goth/black, their first was black mixed with eastern and spanish influences and a slight goth edge
Originally posted by Prophetix

Wow! An Omani guy who listens to Opeth.. This is definately for the records.. In our country (Bahrain) its only me and like a small minority of ppl (7,8 guys) who listen to Opeth..

Nobody knows anything about Metal Music here. Their all into this R&b\rap\pop bullshit. Another small minority still surviving from the '70s listen to the old rock bands (Scorpions, Pink Floyd, Marillion etc). Im making a pretty cool metal band sometime. Even though I'm more influenced by Swedish\Finnish Folk rather than Arabic Scales\tunes I'm gonna make a mix of both. I've already written two songs, gonna post them here as soon as I record them when my new Audigy card arrives. :D

you're from bahrain? well its about damn time people are starting to get back into metal. Most people get scared when i play my music out loud in college. MWA HA HA.
hell yeah, the new (turkish) pentagram album is great. and al those still looking for "eastern" metal: DEFINITELY GO BUY ORPHANED LAND! you wont regret it. and they are a great live band too. they totally fucking rocked istanbul! and here are a few other songs that i forgot to mention before:
amorphis - greed
amorphis - better unborn
opeth - bleak (the beginning riffs are definitely of an eastern tune, right?)
comma - never betray (turkish progressive band, definitely one of the best bands in the world)
I Love Bleak! I think its my #1 Opeth song :D.
Btw, I heard Pentagram changed their name to "Mezarkabul" coz there already was a thrash metal band called Pentagram. Their still known as Pentagram in Turkey though. I love their mid-easern riffs and scales.
In light of Opethian mid-eastern music Orchid has LOADS of those. I think thats what makes it so unique.
Sadistik... about moonspell... yeah! It's much much better than what i had previously heard... it was almost goth-pop when i first heard them.. but this stuff is damn cool!
yeah, their last two albums are goth pop, their 4th (Sin/Pecado) was metal tinged atmospheric hard rock, their 3rd (irreligous) was Goth/metal, their 2nd (Wolfheart) was Gothic BM, and the first (Under...) is the one you just heard...