architects hollow crown snare sound

Heard they recorded the new album with Steve Evetts, not heard anything about Terry Date being involved? Wouldn't surprise me about it being more mainstream, Hollow Crown was going in that direction anyway.
i fucking love evetts. he's a genius.
Makes total sense considering how much that lot used to worship dillinger when then were younger (this is a good 4 years ago to be fair... I've been around a bit and played some toilet shows with em)
necro thread bump. New Architects sounds fucking boss. Devil's Island and Untitled for those playing at home. Using some pretty interesting gear. Headless guitars, some random Gibson Double Cut looking thing, and Blackstar Amps? :-/ Production is back to Hollow Crown style. Which i'm stoked on.
sounds WAY better than hollow crown. listenable in fact. i dig it. they should just do the next album there...

they made a facebook status a couple of days ago saying 'drums are done' or something.... ANOTHER EP? haha
yes they're recording their fifth album according to their Facebook updates.

And i do not get all the here and now hate, besides the super boringly arranged ballad heartburn the album is really class, its just different, not worse.
well... i probably should have checked their facebook before i commented haha. awesome.

i love the here and now. except where they put heartburn is the worst place in an album to put a song in the history of music...
More the point, what mics are they on the toms? Looks like there is 2 on the floor tom but there's only one mic on the rack Tom. No idea what they are.. (insert link to new Architects videos on youtube)