Arcturus Split-up?

And even though I'm a Vortex fanboy, Mr.V sings better IMO.
and even though i'm a mr.V fangirl, Vortex sings better imo :p (sorry couldn't resist!)

anyway, we were talking about Arcturus... never seen any live footage with Øyvind Hægeland, so dunno about who is better live, him or Vortex... I only know that the one and only time i saw Arcturus live was the reason why it's been my most fav. band ever since, and all because of Vortex's stage performance! it was mind-blowing :notworthy
thnx Devourer!
hmm he did a good job there! he might have been good on cd too. However, his stage performance looks boring compared to Vortex, i think Vortex puts so much more feeling in it! And i do still prefer the sound of Vortex's voice anyway, so when Arcturus comes back i pray they come back with Vortex on the vocals! The guy is cut out for this job way better than anybody else!
now that people are talking about sham mirrors here anyway, mind a little sidetrack? do any of you arcturus geeks now who Dag F. Gravem is, the bass player? And how he came involved with this album?

He's in this band called Euroboys which is Norwegian and Garm's into this kind of music so that's it... Kinda the same for Mathias Eick, Garm's a big fan of Jaga Jazzist so he contacted him to play on TSM.
And he came involved because of Skoll's wrist injury or sth, it was mentioned in some interview with him. I also heared that Skoll is an Australian (but I cannot recall any source of this info) - anybody can confirm that?

Oh, by the way - that's my first post on UM phorum, so... hi.