Arcturus Split-up?

I always have a hard time comparing Arcturus albums. Some of the bands best moments are on Sideshow Symphonies but so are some of the worst. And there's no excuse for that production.
Garm is arcturus original singer, not this hijacker vortex. When Garm comes back, the spirit of arcturus will too, but he won't. In the meantime arcturus is a ghost band, and Sideshow album is definitively a sideshow and a thorn in the arcturus discography..
If that were true it'd be due to lame ass songwriting not Simen. Do you honestly think Garm would have magically saved those songs? :rolleyes:

And even if you answer yes, that disputes your "Arcturus isn't the same band without Garm" theory.
Garm is arcturus original singer, not this hijacker vortex. When Garm comes back, the spirit of arcturus will too, but he won't. In the meantime arcturus is a ghost band, and Sideshow album is definitively a sideshow and a thorn in the arcturus discography..

I respectfully tell you that this is certainly the most biased and foolish opinion on Arcturus I've ever read.

No Arcturus album is a thorn, every album is great, even SS. Calling Vortex a hijacker is simply childish to be honest, he did a great job. Do you think Garm would have done such a good performance in the live DVD? I think not! (I love Garm, but IMO he's not really the 'live' type guy.)
Garm is arcturus original singer, not this hijacker vortex. When Garm comes back, the spirit of arcturus will too, but he won't. In the meantime arcturus is a ghost band, and Sideshow album is definitively a sideshow and a thorn in the arcturus discography..

:lol: I bet you cried on Roseanne when the original 'Becky' left and they replaced her with a different blonde girl :rolleyes:


anyways, TSM is the best Arcturus album I think. SS is absolutely wonderful as well, though.

I think songwise, TSM is the best hands down, but for singing I really feel SS has so much more... and luckily for us the Shipwrecked in Olso DVD has the TSM songs being sung by Simen so that is really the best for me anyways... I don't even listen to the album versions of Nightmare Heaven, Master of Disguise, Painting my Horror and Ad Absurdum anymore.
Garm is arcturus original singer, not this hijacker vortex. When Garm comes back, the spirit of arcturus will too, but he won't. In the meantime arcturus is a ghost band, and Sideshow album is definitively a sideshow and a thorn in the arcturus discography..

How is Vortex even a hijacker? He sang on LMI, probably Arcturus's best album, and was the main vocalist for Arcturus's best song, The Chaos Path. Pull your head out of your ass.
Garm is arcturus original singer, not this hijacker vortex. When Garm comes back, the spirit of arcturus will too, but he won't. In the meantime arcturus is a ghost band, and Sideshow album is definitively a sideshow and a thorn in the arcturus discography..

Thank you for creating a revolution on this thread and make the discussion a bit more dynamic.
I also disagree with you, by the way. :heh:
Paul Di'Anno is iron maiden original singer, not this hijacker bruce dickinson. When Paul comes back, the spirit of iron maiden will too, but he won't. In the meantime iron maiden is a ghost band, and Piece of Mind album is definitively a piece of shit and a thorn in the iron maiden discography..
I will not bother to comment Alteredmindeath's opinion. Every opinion is respected as long as it's written in a respected way towards the "Simen like Arcturus" community.;) This one sure isn't though...:u-huh:(oops, i've just commented...:p)

For me SS is and always will be a top masterpiece in my collection not to mention that is the only ablum that i've bought every version that was released!:D