Arcturus Split-up?

you know, eventually Sverd will write a whole bunch of new stuff, call up the guys, and reform.

for the sake of our planet
Listened to La masquerade Infernale today... and got back emo about their disband. Arcturus had such an unique sound... no band can replace them !!

Garm was such a great singer too...:waah:
Probably won't be a re-issue :(

And the site/forum still down! Anyone got Patricia's (webmaster) e-mail? I had it but lost it.. would like to know what happened.

Also, I'm probably meeting Hellhammer in 2 weeks (27th, Mayhem comes to Netherlands!), any interesting stuff I can ask? Will of course ask the real truth about Arcturus (something tells me they will release another album) but something else?
1 - Vortex is not in Dimmu anymore.
2 - He said "Welcome to the last Arcturus show... Ever." in Melbourne.

If Arcturus get together again, does that mean that Vortex is a liar? :zombie:
Extreme metal necromancy arrived to the forum! :rolleyes:

1 - Vortex is not in Dimmu anymore.
2 - He said "Welcome to the last Arcturus show... Ever." in Melbourne.

If Arcturus get together again, does that mean that Vortex is a liar? :zombie:

On topic:
Hellhammer said:
...So we just announced it on the last day in Australia, "This is the last circuit of Arcturus!", and the other members were like, "Is it?". Arcturus will get back together again with or without Vortex
it only makes sense to reunite the band. i mean they're so talented and vortex was totally wasted in dimmu borgir. arcturus should actually be a full time band. their song writing skills are masterful.
the redesigned Vortex's myspace page says:


i thought the webguy was also posting here sometimes? maybe he can comment on that Arcturus part himself... ;)
Is known that Arcturus is reuniting, and is known that Simen will be handling the vocals since he left Dimmu Borgir, now that Mustis is gone too. Hope it will mean a return to the original sound they used to have back in ´97.