Are Deftones using Axe Fx now?


May 19, 2008

Looks like Steph and their bass player are using them here....
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So what if they are? I think the tone is pretty damn good. nice and chunky. Cuts through the mix ... whats the problem?

its been said here 1000000 times already. The AxeFX is great, some of us just prefer to use the real thing.
Take this video with a grain of salt. just saw them the other night in SF - Fucking amazing, nailed all the vocal parts. also the bassist was at least using an orange cab live. Stef only had a small rack, no cabs, no obvious amps. Chino had an orange cab, no head either.
Idk...I feel that guitar tone is horrid.

Saw these guys back after White Pony dropped and ...they were ok, Chinos "high" kinda always gave out like here, how he gets that weird squeal going......sounds ...sketchy.
Yep their officially using Axe FX now according to the Fractal Forums. I saw them at Download last year and I spotted a laptop on top of the bassists cab running Guitar Rig 4.
So what if they are? I think the tone is pretty damn good. nice and chunky. Cuts through the mix ... whats the problem?

its been said here 1000000 times already. The AxeFX is great, some of us just prefer to use the real thing.

No-one said anything on the contrary. I don't see anyone getting butt-hurt when someone asks if band X uses Dual Rectos.
Just saw them last week in LA. Watched the whole show from above and behind the stage at the Palladium. There was definitely a laptop running guitar rig on the bass players side, a couple Orange amps for Chino, but all I saw for Steph was that Axe-Fx Midi Foot Controller thing. Didn't get a look at his rack...

It was a great show. Those weird high screeches that Chino does have been bugging me for years though. He does some strange shit live...
Deftones has always sounded horrible live......They are an amazing band to watch ....they have crazy energy....but as far as a good performance live they have always sounded awful.....Vocals never sound like the CD
I just saw deftones a few nights ago in POMONA, CA june 15. They were absolutely great live, chino was on point, he hit every note. People that say they are bad live say that because they havent seen them within the last 2-3 years. That song on lopeztonight....chino started off a little rough but cleaned up his act at the end.

Anyways...steph indeed was using a 3 ft. rack. thats all i saw (no amps no cabs) i couldnt make out what it was but it did sounded great and powerful. chino used an orangecab. The show was amazing though. Everybody loved it.
It seems to me that with the advancement of modelling technology, a rack system really is the way to go these days. Some musicians swear by their amp+cab combination of choice for years, but if you are looking for tonal variety, an Axe-rack can get you very far. Ran through a suitable tube poweramp, the Axe is practically indistinguishable to an all-tube amp in sound and harmonics, and the sims seem convincing enough to give a very authentic impression of the real thing. And a rack system is more durable and easier to transport around, which is extremely important when touring. The thought of someone spilling beer on or IN my amp before the show is well depressing. I can't see the same thing happening to a good, solid rack. If you are a professional musician, I think a rack system is a very worthy investment. Props to Steph for his practical thinking. :)
I just saw deftones a few nights ago in POMONA, CA june 15. They were absolutely great live, chino was on point, he hit every note. People that say they are bad live say that because they havent seen them within the last 2-3 years.chino used an orangecab. The show was amazing though. Everybody loved it.

yup...i was at the louisville KY show a few weeks back, and it was amazing.