New Meshuggah album guitars using VST's??

Ola said they did too, I dunno whether that's just to ensure they keep their endorsement though :lol:
Should be pretty obvious either way when we get to hear it.
Honestly, they probably don't want to sound like everything else that is copying them in the first place.
(copy the people who originally copied them)

So they are doing things a bit different to stay different and not fall into the fad category. Makes sense to me.
As music is an art, gear is just about experimentation to fit what you play. Whatever they used, I think the result will be great!
Well he's a bad-ass guitar player. Those types of guys can make almost anything sound good. (ola for instance)
Dunno, I'm a huge, huge Meshuggah fan but I haven't remotely dug any of their tones since '98. The fact that they're even dropping mic'ed cabs now in favor of straight soft-sims is not exactly inspiring news.