New Meshuggah album guitars using VST's??

I like the weird alien-anal-probe solo, but that's about it. Easier to swallow than Obzen was in terms of mix, but if this is the quality of the song writing then I'm in for some unhappiness.
I dunno...the songs sound pretty bland so far (I guess you could say Meshuggah has always been bland). It's like they just recycled some of their earlier riffs. :(
Do Not Look Down sounded surprisingly good.

I just upgraded to Cubase 6 and since Meshuggah uses the VST Amp Rack from it for the upcoming album, I wanted to try it out. I used one Pod Farm preset as a starting point with "it has to be very similar or beat this or I won't use it" kind of mentality. At first I was super disappointment with it, because all the cabs sound very similar to Waves' GTR Solo (read: kinda shitty IMHO). For the Meshuggah style playing they sound awesome tho, kinda hollow and scooped. But then I accidentally opened the Pod Farm at the same time, and it sounded better. I had to flip the phase on the VST Amp Rack channel tho to make them fit, but it still sounded better.

In Pod Farm I used: Gate -> Screamer -> Threadplate Dual -> Threadplate cabinet (0% room and 67 mic) -> Compressor

In VST Amp Rack I used: Gate -> Overdrive -> Diamond amp -> British Custom cabinet (close center with 60% to U87 side) -> Compressor -> EQ

So pretty similar stuff in terms of chain: Gate -> OD -> Mesa -> Cabinet -> Comp -> (+EQ)

Signal chain: LTD EC1000 -> M-Audio Profire -> Ampsim -> 100hz highpass and 9khz lowpass -> Sum group. In Group: C1 gate -> Waves Renessaince Axx -> One band of EQ -5dB @ 350hz

Bass is Fender Jazz Blacktop -> Pod Farm -> EQ -> Limiter. I just picked some preset from Pod Farm at random that sounded good. Ended with one called "Power Pop", that I slightly tweaked. It has only Gate -> Rock Classic (aka Ampeg)

My playing is still pretty shite, but tell me what you think. In the end of the clip there is "just the guitars" tone in this order: pod farm, vst amp rack, pf+var, pf+var+bass
Thanks for your effort, tones ok but yes a little fizzy and hollow..

Im also upgrading, waiting on shipment

I'd try with cabinet IRs instead of the stock Cubase ones - you can load these into Cubase Reverence, or if on Windows use free LePou LeCab

These would give a bit more 'crunk' to the sound.