Are here any SOULFLY/SEPULTURA fans?


May 20, 2001
Hey, so are here anyone? After 8-year listening to doom, death, gothic and thrash I got into some things far from that music: SEPULTURA "ROOTS" and SOULFLY "PRIMITIVE". That shit really kick ass ! Based on ethno-music songs "Soulfly II" and "Soulfly(universal mix) are something beautiful and touchy. Some men call them nu-metal. Dare I ask "Why tha FUK?!?!". It is not fuckin' primitive nu-metal ! Near Soulfly there is always croud of different musicians that make strong beautiful music together. So, is here anyone?
We've had some review for Soulfly submitted to the site (see the Review section), so I know they have some fans here; and I'm sure there are some Sepultura fans :)

I just don't happen to be one... What do you recommend to start with?
I used to love Sep, but it all ended with Roots (sorry :p ). I hate that album, no reason in particular, I just don't like the riffs in the songs, and there is that nu-metal element (it's not a strong one, but it is there) that I don't like. The whole tribal idea is a cool one though (even if I do think they didn't handle it quite right, but I like that last track, y'know, the percusion one, at night- that's great for when you feel wasted at night).
I thought the first Soulfly cd sucked aswell (I'm sure your screaming at me right now :lol: ). I just love old Sep too much, and the music now seems alot simpler (that's the nu-metal influence again). Plus, too much pointless swearing. I don't mind if Max is having a go at the Brazilian police, and has to swear to get his point across- that stuff's real, and it's from the heart. I have a problem with someone who writes a song, where basically every line is 'motherfucker you don't know my pain'. To me, that just seems like they are trying to be trendy, to sell records to kids who think it's daring (I call it the Guns'nRoses syndrome :) , they became a joke at the end). Not that I have a problem with swearing, it's a major part of my vocabulary ;) , I just don't like it in my music.

Arise, now THAT'S a killer cd :lol: :lol:
I don't like Soulfly that much, Sepultura is more my style.

Haven't heard all the Sep albums, but I like all the ones I've heard. Although Roots has few weaker tunes.
I submitted the Soulfly review of their first album - I've never heard too much of Sepultura, but I think Roots Bloody Roots is a completely brilliant song. Soulfly blew me away when I first heard them, so much so that I could even forgive them for allowing Fred Durst on the album!
Originally posted by Mark
We've had some review for Soulfly submitted to the site (see the Review section), so I know they have some fans here; and I'm sure there are some Sepultura fans :)

I just don't happen to be one... What do you recommend to start with?

I don't know, Soulfly is so unusual... check "Primitive", and you better begin to listen to it from trax I mentioned: "Soulfly II" and "Soulfly(universal mix)" they are incredible!

And yourdeargroom, I used to hate Roots, but after Soulfly I live it too. From Roots the track "Lookaway" (with Mike Patton) is really great ! CUtthroat is like buldozer ! Sepultura considers Roots the best their album, I never heard "Against" and "Nation". Mark, these songs are worthy to listen!
Soulfly is nu metal as hell, I bought their (or his, this band is only Max C. no matter what) new album primitive, It´s crap, the songs could have been written by a 5 year old kid, the riffs suck ass, I think Max hasn´t realised that using more than one string at a time often results in heavier and more pleasing sound, god damn it´s called chords I HATE SOULFLY nobody sould listen to it, and what´s with the guests on the album, kerry king, chino, corey and a bunch of others, max has lost it, he´s going for the money. and something about nu metal, Roots are said to be some kind of break through shit in nu metal .:mad:
"They crap" is just your opinion, like "Mayh is asshole" is mine. There's no accounting for taste, and if you could fuck your brain "on" and listen for example Korn and Limp Bizkit with Soulfly and Roots, MAY BE you would see the difference, but I don't offer you to do so, I think you're too dumb. Next time think what you write, big guy, this is not ultimatestupidity forum, it's Ultimatemetal.
I've got to go with Eddy on this one. Though I dont listen to too much of them I can still respect them as artists. Sepultura kicks ass though. Definately one of the few good Brazilian metal bands.
Only a fan of Arise and Beneath the remains. It all ended with Chaos AD and ROOTS. they incorporated nu-metal elemnts into their music (uuhhh... take the riff from roots... for instance)

Anyone who likes soulfly should listen to the REAL max... go get 'sepultura - arise'.

'nuff said hey?
Originally posted by Anthony
and listen for example Korn and Limp Bizkit with Soulfly and Roots, MAY BE you would see the difference.

I DO NOT intend to waste a perfectly fine day with this sort of CRAP why are you mentioning Limp Bizkit or Korn on a metal forum and the only diffrence between korn/limp bizkit are the tribal drums, which are CRAP by the way. And what do korn/ Limp Bizkit and soulfly have in common, well I hate to say it ( actually no) CRAPPY riffs that a retard with only one hand and the guitar up his ass could play/ come up with.
Originally posted by Mayh

I DO NOT intend to waste a perfectly fine day with this sort of CRAP why are you mentioning Limp Bizkit or Korn on a metal forum and the only diffrence between korn/limp bizkit are the tribal drums, which are CRAP by the way. And what do korn/ Limp Bizkit and soulfly have in common, well I hate to say it ( actually no) CRAPPY riffs that a retard with only one hand and the guitar up his ass could play/ come up with.

Idiot, I try to say you the following: I love Soulfly, love Sepultura, and when you write your stupid words you shit in my soul. Shut the fuck up or choose other words, damn! Everyone heard about Max, cause he is strong person and good composer I think. He done very much for metal, and noone heard about you and what you fuckin done. You may be are great guitarist, (Yngwie Malmsteen)^2, but near Max you're piece of shit, cause his music gives strength, noone heard yours.
And if tribal drums is the only difference you saw, it's a pity that you're not only dumb and rude, but a fuckin' deaf also.
Originally posted by Anthony

Idiot, I try to say you the following: I love Soulfly, love Sepultura, and when you write your stupid words you shit in my soul. Shut the fuck up or choose other words, damn! Everyone heard about Max, cause he is strong person and good composer I think. He done very much for metal, and noone heard about you and what you fuckin done. You may be are great guitarist, (Yngwie Malmsteen)^2, but near Max you're piece of shit, cause his music gives strength, noone heard yours.
And if tribal drums is the only difference you saw, it's a pity that you're not only dumb and rude, but a fuckin' deaf also.

What have I done, well, I´ve been spreading the word god damn it, Nu-crap makes me want to take a dump, and I´m sorry if your ignorant soul got in the way (hell no!!!). And another thing I want to mention, the diffrence between Limp Bizkit/korn and soulfly aren´t only the tribal drums but the fact that korn/limp bizkit kick soulfly/Max´s ass. (I dislike korn/limp bizkit as much as one can dislike them)
Fuck, your dumbness is makin' me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read the name of thread :"any fans?" As I guess(I don't know why) you're not Soulfly/Sepultura fan, so why tha fuck you entered it? Or it was a must for you to leave your shitty answer here to shit in our "ignorant" souls?! I listen metal 8 years already and doom-death is my favorite, so I can't call myself ignorant in metal, fuck you.