Are 'metal heads' weak individuals?

ZmrazenyVlk said:
I don't know if I really conform to anything...I wear what I like to, regardless, and sometimes for comfort more than fashion. I have long hair because I don't look good with shorter hair, and because of lack of time and money as well as general laziness my usual "uniform" is a T-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans, usually black [Though I've been known to wear blue or green]

Conforming in a way to a group isn't as bad as people say - the way someone dresses may convey their interests, personality, taste in music, and things that you might have in common with them and isn't that the point? To associate yourself with like-minded individuals. It's ticks me off to no end, however that stupid trendoids will float between one subculture and the next without full knowledge of what exactly it is or what anything means. I fear that metal culture is next to turn into a trend...I'll kill them >:-|

It is not the light that helps us to see one another, it's the reflection.
SoundMaster said:
Let me preface this by saying that I love metal, have so for the last 20+ years.

With that on the table, I've always been perturbed by the prevailing attitude in 'metaldom' that says that the metal crowd is somehow "elite" and that it's head and shoulders above the typical 'citizen John Q Public'.
Sure, metal folk seem/appear to be more philosophically inclined, but perhaps that's simply because they can afford to be: they have the free-time (what, with being isolated so much). Johnny Boy cruising town in his shiny SUV is busy, can't be bothered with thought.

Many metal people often claim "I hate the mainstream....they all follow the crowd, show no originality, etc., where the same clothes, etc...".

Meanwile, the metal crowd has adopted it's own standard uniform. It's the same theory: follow the crowd. Only difference is that this crowd is smaller.
Big deal. The theory - and the practice - are the same.

Long hair? Again, big deal. The other 85,374,384 metal people wear there's long, as well. No different than any mall-rat following typical mall-rat trends.

At the end of the day, the "mainstream" is simply seeking happiness. As is the metal crowd - albeit through different methods.

Are metal folk weaker, stronger, or, most likely, simply the same? I think the answer is obvious.

Are you really any freer than they? Really?

Feel free to rip this thread to shreds. Opine as you like....praise these thoughts...or piss on them. But be honest.

I'd have to say no, due to the fact that being a metalhead at this time puts us in the minority behind all the hip-hop / rap / pop music wannabes.

No I'd have to say being a metalhead right now who's not afraid or ashamed or plays the "I like all music" card is a pretty strong individual.
Yeah, metal is a subculture and like most subcultures the members show an open disdain for the mainstream society they're apart of. And funny how the average metalhead thinks they're somehow better than the average population just because they listen to these set of underground metal music. But other than being into all this music as a they actually have what it takes to be actually different than the rest? Funny sight, when I go to some metal shows and I see metalheads chugging Coca-Cola. Yeah, real anti-mainstream. Well, at least most metalheads take music more seriously than the rest of mainstream.
There can be alot of contradictions within metal fan "ideology", if you will. But generally speaking they are like most groups within society. We have different tastes but we all hope we're special and different. Sometimes metal-fans get caught up in rejecting everything that "conforms" they sometimes miss the point: be yourself and enjoy some kick-ass music, it's not about fronting or pretence.
Final_Product said:
There can be alot of contradictions within metal fan "ideology", if you will. But generally speaking they are like most groups within society. We have different tastes but we all hope we're special and different. Sometimes metal-fans get caught up in rejecting everything that "conforms" they sometimes miss the point: be yourself and enjoy some kick-ass music, it's not about fronting or pretence.

Yeah, everyone in society are now "hey, look at me I'm special because I'm into this and this" polishing their image. But, nobody gives a fuck actually. Metalheads thinks they're all rebels but they arent too different from the average populus.
experience the scene yourself at best: if you have long hair and a goatee, then go to a Slayer show wearing a pink hawaii shirt and green pants - then ask a metal dude what band is playing...

disclaimer: I do not accept responsibility for any damage done to you or your clothes
Sometimes I consider my taste in music better than the majority but I wouldn't say that I put myself above or feel that I am in fact BETTER than them. A few times though, a refined hip hop fan will put me in my place. Not often though.
To generalise to the metal populus though, they can generally think they are better than other folks - more individual and intelligent.

My point can be illustrated by any of the comments made on made by people whom are complete idiots.