Are metalheads Smart???!!

On average, the metal heads I've talked to and met always seem slightly more intelligent than the average person.
And I'd say on average the metal fans I've met are no smarter then their non-metal counterparts, and often far more irritating.
No, metalheads aren't smart. Please stop fooling yourselves.
i think it also depends on the metal they listen to as well. like when it comes to lyrics and stuff. if the listeners (or the musicians themselves) understand the lyrics and all that. and the lyrical topic. like.. raising zombies as compared to world politics and the effects of religion
but... even THAT doesn't really mean anything. some metalheads listen to a wide variety.. which basically nullifies what i said to a certain degree.
Actually I believe there's a study that shows those who listen to classical come out ahead intellectually, and the study claims it's a result of the music, not always just "intelligence causes them to listen to said music." But studies are studies, they can result in different things each time, depending on who's running it.
I know a heart surgeon who listens to Cannibal Corpse so...

To be honest most "metal heads" I have met are generally average in so far as intelligence goes. Not that any of us are fit to analyze the "intelligence" of one another anyhow.
the concept of intelligence is a joke.

although, metalacoaplyse seems to be a testament to the lack of intellect in "metal-heads". IT'S NOT THAT FUNNY. ADULT SWIM HAS MUCH BETTER TO OFFER.
I watch it for the violence and references to other bands and songs. I think the music is meh.
Father Ted, now that's entertainment for the Aryan Intellectual Elite.